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Time Management?

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Time Management?

I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years now, and just recently he has decided to start fixing cars. This takes up every week night so I dont get to see him during the week, and he also does it on Saturday and Sundays. So basically the only time I see him is Saturday nights (if hes not with his friends) or Sunday Nights (for about 1 hour).


I hate this but he said that he wants to finish this car, and maybe some more (!!) - what can I do ??

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Do you enjoy fixing cars?


Is this a transition situation where he has to fix it by a certain time?


Its hard to say if you what you should do without knowing more about his situation and his reasons for focusing on the car.


Could he be trying to dissuade the relationship?

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I think it's reasonable to expect him to hold back a few weekday nights and a day on the weekend to honor the relatinship. However, he is absolutely taking you for granted at this point. After four years, he is just assuming that you will put up with whatever he does and swallow it without protest. After all, there are a lot of people who have known each other for four years who have been married for two of three years of those years.


Assuming you have nicely told him you would like him to set aside some nights and weekend time for you and he has ignored the request, you should start with going places with girlfriends...if you still have them around. If not, find some.


If during your outings you meet some nice men who don't care about fixing cars nights and weekends, ask your guy for permission to date them...or just do so anyway. Your guy is taking you for granted big time. He is showing you how he would treat you if he was married to you. So if you want to be completely neglected as a wife and mother, you have found the man of your dreams.

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Tell him you're going out with your friends both weekend nights, then, and stay over at your friend's house. He'll complain, and you say "what am I supposed to do, I would rather spend it with you, but you're always fixing those damn cars."

I agree with Tony...he's taking you for granted...big time.

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I keep remebering a posting by Rogue in which he describes some men as hunters. Once they get their trophy, they put it on the mantle or wall. They've lost interest and go off after other pursuits.


You have to let him know that you are not that sure-thing trophy on his shelf that he can pay attention to whenever he finally gets around to it.

I agree with Tony...he's taking you for granted...big time.
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