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Traveling/Vacationing Alone...

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I'm talking solely about vacationing.


When I go on vacation and I'm single, I usually just stay home and workout even more than usual. Pretty boring I know.


For work I do a **** ton of traveling by myself as well as going to different places for training. I consider them kinda a vacation, which is why when I get an actual vacation, I spend it staying at home relaxing, catching up on chores.


I like traveling alone. I behave and act anyway I want to. Around friends, I have it in my head to behave a certain way and kinda feel locked in to a mold. On my own, I feel more free. Let me say, one of the easiest places to get laid is at a nice hotel with a good bar that is within or next to a major airport. Women on the road, especially when traveling alone, are easy. I think they feel more free, like I do and they let their inner slut out without worrying someone at home is going to think they're a slut.

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