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Has he become unnatracted to me?

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I am so depressed and I dont know where to turn so I turn to you! I have been dating this guy for a few years now, and we have a 18 month old son. Before we had him we used to be so passionate and have sex all the time. When I got pregnant we stopped having sex as much cuz he said he was scared to hurt the baby, then after I had the baby he didn't wanna have sex and he still never does. We have sex literally like once a month. What would make a man not want sex anymore? He had his testosterone level checked and its fine, and I mean he has naked pictures of woman and porn all over his phone he just doesn't want to have sex with me and I dont get it, everything else with us is perfect but this, we also never kiss or anything either, when we do have sex its like 2 minutes he gets off and its done, but i mean he loves to cuddle with me he holds my hand he says he loves me and I just don't know what is going on, I feel he isn't attracted to me anymore but he says he is. Our son is 18 months I think that would be enough time to get over the fact that a child came out of me, and when we first got together we had a baby but at 7months (in the womb) she had no heartbeat and I had to give birth to her like normal and everything and he was there and watched that and right after that he still wanted sex he was still very sexual so I dont think its the fact of me giving birth it has to be somthing else but what?

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I'm sorry you are going through so much. I don't have any way to say this but to just come out and say it... can we say FOC? (fear of commitment). You have been DATING this guy for SEVERAL years, you have had his child... and yet you are DATING? Now I know in this day and age not everyone wants/needs to get married...but I can not imagine you don't, if you love him the way you say. And now that he got you pregnant and after, he has pulled away sexually? Honey, he has some SERIOUS intimacy issues.


Have you tried counseling????

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Im sorry you are hurting you need to ask him why.Let him know it hurts you.

He could be tired from work or stressed.I wish you the best.

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