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Well things took a new turn


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Hey guys, so I have an update about this guy I have been kind of seeing.


Even though he said he couldn't hang out with me because he didn't want to fall for anyone right now and said that was for sure going to happen with me, he kept texting me on and off a few days after that. So fast forward to this weekend, he finally asks me to hang out, which completely shocked me because I thought he didn't want to get attached to me. We end up spending the day swimming and we have a blast, like the chemistry between us was really good.


So after swimming for a few hours, we go back to his place and watch some movies for awhile. Then he kissed me and we end up having sex. I know most people would frown upon first date sex, but for some reason, it just felt right at the time and it is something that I actually wanted. He didn't pressure me and he even asked me like several times if I was sure I wanted to go further.


At the end of the night, we end up holding hands a lot and he even kisses me goodnight. He was very gentle with his kisses and such during sex and not aggressive at all (sorry if that's TMI). He also said several times that I was the reason he was smiling like a goofball the whole night because I noticed him constantly smiling at me.


That was two days ago, and he did text me the next day and we made small talk, but that's about it. I have not heard from him today and I really don't know if that is good or bad. I have so many questions, but I do not want to do the typical girl behavior and force a "relationship talk" on him because I think we both kind of need some space to let things settle and sink in. I know I am personally still a little in a daze about it. I do worry that he may lose interest because I "gave it up" so fast, but at the same time, it was in the heat of the moment and it felt right. I still really like this guy, but I am trying to mentally prepare for anything at this point because anything can happen I suppose.


What do you guys think? Was it wrong of me to have sex with him? Any opinions or advice would be appreciated.

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I don't think it was "wrong" of you to have sex with him or do anything that felt mutual and right at the time. But I don't hold out a lot of faith that he'll call very soon.


Something similar just happened to my friend--she and the guy had been talking for awhile, he seemed "safe," they didn't even DO it, but when he saw he might actually end up having to "like" her, he gave her the I-can't-get-into-a-relationship line too and said they just forget anything happened and just be friends.


That doesn't mean, of course, that that's how your deal will turn out. He might really mean it and get back in touch with you and it all works out great. I just don't hold out a lot of faith in that. Lol, it's happened to me too.


But, you have to use your own judgement to see how you feel at the time. Maybe listening to that little voice that's going, "umm, where is this guy going with this?" The little voice is usually there, sometimes we just drown it out with either too much to drink or smoke or too much hope and optimism.


If he gets back with you, that's cool, enjoy. If he doesn't, just think, why would you want to be with someone who'd consider you a complication (Oh, I can't get in a relationship right now...) instead of a wonderful addition to his life? Good luck!

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