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Ok, So We Became Sexual, Now I Want More (of the sex)

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My friend of years and years and I finally went there and became sexual (in other words, we did some stuff, but didn't DO it). But what we did do felt, well, frickin' awesome. I want more. Not more as in, omg, I love you let's get married NOW...more as in, let's do that stuff some more! I can't believe I never saw him like that before!!


Since right now I think we're both kind of at that Oh, man, I don't want him/her to think I LIKE him/her now point, I'm not sure how long I should lay low until I try to go there again. Or if at all. I mean, we absolutely adore each other and love each other unconditionally. It's just that, for some reason, we're not IN love with each other.


But I sure would like to explore these new possibilities further. It's like, if I'm not meeting anyone worthwhile, and all these losers are trying to set me up to be FWB or worse, why not go there with someone I actually care about that I know cares about me, personally?


So, any ideas on how I could approach this with him without it becoming all about the one thing and without losing one of my dearest friends ever? (No one else even remotely gets me like he does; if I were to lose him or lose his respect or hurt him or get hurt by him, it would be devastating.)

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Well how did you guys end up hooking up in the first place? Did it just happen? Or was there conversation leading up to it?


If he isn't seeing anyone, and you aren't- I don't think mentioning an FWB situation is out of line. I imagine if you two have already been intimate, hes starting to wonder the same things you are. I think if you are that good of friends, just talking about it won't likely hurt anything! :)

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Well, we're always playing verbally, flirting, jousting, whatever. But that night it was very relaxed, we had no awkwardness, movement-wise (like, oh, let me not get too close, oops my hand brushed your thigh, sorry); everything was very relaxed and comfortable and easy. Yes, we were toasted of course. But the conversation was very natural and relaxed. We were flirting way more than usual, I suppose...I guess I'll just stay relaxed and see what it's like next time we actually see each other in person. So far our contact has remained the same (like texting or whatever). Lol, still don't know why that night, y'know?

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Feelin Frisky

Work it and see how it goes. It sounds like you haven't "gone there" a second time and you don't yet know his mind for it. It might be a bit early to "have THE talk" unless he seems against the idea. If you get together and it all plays out the way you want, then a talk about the nature of your relationship is probably in order where you can get an idea what he's thinking in getting sexual with you. A little aplomb would go a long way too--don't say something like "what are your intentions?" as that is a bit cliche and over-loading on him as if you are a helpless capitulator to his advances. "How do you view what we're doing?" or words along those lines is fairer. Good luck.

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