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It's Spelled "Advice," not "Advise."


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Ok...but it's gotten to be one of my pet peeves on this site.


You ADVISE somebody about a situation.


You get ADVICE if you need to be ADVISED on a situation.


I just needed to get that out of my system, I guess (LOL)

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I'm alittle confused with my relationship. My wife tells me that there is something wrong with our relationship. But when I ask her to give me the details of whats wrong she tells me that I already know. Now, I can't and I'm pretty sure no one can read minds. There are things about me that upset her. When we make love she seldom looks at me in my face and her eyes are always closed. She is very quite and soft spoken when it comes to love making. I don't want to think bad, but she leaves me no choose to make my own perception of why people do that when making love. I know she loves me to the fullest. She does things for me that other women would not do for there man or husband. It's seems when tings start to get better. She tells me that there is still something wrong with our relationship. The last thing that I would want to do is not make her happy. But if I'm not just tell me so I can fix the problem so I can turn the heat up on the warmth she wants and deserves.



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Ok, Pullie:


I thimk you aer a mice gy butt you shouldn't bee so picky about peeple's spilling. Nobudy likes a smart butt who has to hab evrything toetaly prefect all de time.


So just git used to da facts that moest peeples are not as smert as ju arb and won't always spill correctumly.


All I can advice you to do at this time is to stay kool and use spillchek on your kompuder as offen as possble.



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