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A guy I like asked out my best friend's friend jamie and he said he would go out w/me

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Well it kinda goes like this. My best friend Jenny has thi friend Jamie and an X-boyfriend Joseph. I like Joseph but Joseph asked Jamie out today and I got really piss*d at him and now we are not talking...what should I do? I don't know weather I should stay mad at him or just move on can someone please tell me?




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You've got no choice but to move on. He likes the other girl / is more attracted to her than you -- otherwise he would have asked you out. Tough break. You just can't make someone feel the same way about you that you feel about them. He probably flirts with any girl who appeals to him some and responds. Guys do that to boost their egos. Until they state feelings or ask you out, take it with some skepticism.


-- uriel

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well, just get another man, or go get joe!!! either way, i'm sure you will do the right thing. But do you really want seconds????

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