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Help Guys!


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Well let me begin by saying a like a co-worker of mine. Who has been chatting with me over the puter, sending emails and talking to me over the phone. This was the first time ever, that I began over the phone expressing myself to him, telling him what it would be like to be with him, in other words having don't take offense phone sex. Needless to say, last week i told him what I wanted friendship first and foremost and then a possible relationship. He asked me over a week ago to meet him after work in our employee parking lot, of course I couldn;t leave work I was busy.


Alright we continued to meet online everyday at 400am, since we both begin work at 600am. Today the bomb exploded, he said he was not interested in a relationship.


Alright, I know that men are only after one thing, however there are certain men, who disquise it better than others. all in all they just want sex with every possible woman, if they can get evryday even better. Right guys, no offense!


With this in mind, why would he just want phone sex, and not real sex? I asked if he is not attracted to me, he said he was. What am I missing here. Was it all a game, because he thought I was stupid, now he is the catcher, here is a guy who told me last month, not to trust men that they are only after one thing, and thats all the want. Give me a break. He is a 40 year old , divorced man, a bit juvenal . don't u think?


My question is this, if he comes online tomoorow, if he im's me, what should I say? Need advice?

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Block your IMs so he can't send you instant messages.


First, take a hint. He was kind enough to tell you he doesn't want a relationship with you. He did this early enough on that your heart was spared a major break. Let's give him credit for that.


He cancelled a meeting with you, he told you he doesn't want a relationship...just between the lines it sounds like he has another relationship somewhere. Maybe he prefers phone sex to real sex because he's gay and his relationship is with a guy. Who knows and who cares at this point???


But the proudest I am of him is for the fact that he prevented you from having romance in the workplace, the worst mistake a human being can make. At least in a short while you can face him and wave, there are no ugly rumors flying around, etc. etc. There are so many men out there, surely you can find a nice one other than at work.


If you absolutely must IM him when he signs on in the morning, tell him you can't have phone sex anymore because your phone has a serious hernia and must abstain.


But mostly ignore this guy and thank your lucky stars it ended when it did. So you got a few jollies out of it. Now forget him, write him off and be the smarter and better off for it.

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