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how do i get this guy to like me more?????

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:( ok so i like this guy and he likes me and a friend of a friend of mine who i dont really talk to and she is pretty, but i dont know if shes prettier. anyways so me and this guy are going to the fireworks together and i really like but its just making me sad that he likes hercuz he wants to like her even though she told him that she wasnt gonna like him and i said that i would do stuff ;) with him but i dunno if i want to if he likes her more then me.
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Either he will like you the way you want him to or he won't. There's nothing you can or should do about this.

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a person i know

guys suck the only way to get a guy to like u u have to actually find out from a friggin guy. for some reason guys have some stupid secret code where once they find out u like them they are free to ignore u. which makes u like them more and want to snap because they seem to show NO interest and i cannot prove that he has an interest but its like some instinctive game... get them to like u then look for the next one. ive been screwed over by my share of guys and if a guy likes u and someone else half the time ur setting urself up to be hurt BAD

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a person i know, you couldn't be more wrong. boys are just as afraid as the girls about approaching someone they like. You seem to be a very angry girl. If you are being treated badly by too many boys it is because you keep choosing the same sort of guy. Fix your picker. Sounds like you might be suffering from what is known as "bad boy syndrome." That's when girls go for the bad boys, the exciting ones, the tough guy, the aloof guy, etc. When these guys get older, they turn into "players" (men who use women just for sex and then toss them aside) or wife abusers. Not all boys are this way. That shy boy, the one who's a little bit geeky, the one you won't give the time of day, may be the one to restore your faith in boys -- if you give him the chance.

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