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Most Harrowing Day of my Life

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Long story very short - I was with a woman for 5 years. During this time we had ups and downs. In the end I lost my cool with her one day and became physical (restrained her, no punching etc) She left, claiming I was completely abusive and even went to live in a shelter. She filed a restraining order and I've been out of house and home for 3 months now.


Well, yesterday we went to church together. Had a nice lunch, went to see a movie and she leaned on me while I stroked her hair, head and face the entire length of the movie. We had dinner later that evening, went back to what used to be our home (we were never married FYI), and I gave her a back rub with massage oil.


Nothing was really stated or implied. We did talk about the relationship somewhat and how it was dysfunctional on both sides.


Curious what everyones take on this is. I consider rubbing, stroking someones hair, head and face and giving a back rub to be very intimate gestures shared between two emotionally connected people. I didn't ask her this though as it's clear we are not together anymore. So obviously I'm confused. Trying to see it for what it is, maybe it was just a good day and good time for her. I know she misses that affection and maybe was starved for it after 3 months.

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