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Never kissed a girl

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Im new to this forum, so i don't know if im writing in the right place or not but anyways i will share with you my concern. Ok im 19 years old and i graduated high school about a year ago. After high school i moved over to Sweden. This is where my mom lives, my dad is still back in the good old USA. Well anyway's what my problem is, is that i have never gotten anywhere with a girl. Ive never kissed a girl or had sex or even been on a date before. All of that good stuff you are supposed to experience. I try to stay positive but thinking about this brings me down in the dumps. I desperately want this to change. I just can't stand it anymore it's driving me crazy. One of my problem's is i am the type of person that keeps to himself for the most part, not by choice it's naturally how i am. If i know the person really well i can talk with them for hours but that initial getting to know someone really screws me over. And i don't want to brag or be cocky but i am pretty sure it has nothing to do with how i look. There are people that get really suprised when they hear im a virgin. Another one of my problems is i currently live in a small town and go to a very small school there are only about 20 different people that take the same classes as i do. I also have only 3-4 friends since i have moved to another country and none of them ever go out to bars and what not. It would feel pretty weird going out yourself. My biggest problem is that since i have such a lack of experience with woman i am terrified of them. Im only 19 and i have already been skydiving, and let me tell you that is a walk in the park compared to approaching some girl i don't know and starting a conversation. I could use all the help i can get. I don't know what to do, i can't live my life like this anymore. All i ever here is it is going to happen but if that's the case why hasn't in happened yet. Im slowly getting more and more depressed every single day. I really need a change. I feel pathetic. And to set the number straight im not the kind of guy that is just looking to get laid. That's actually towards the end of my list. I would just like to have the experience of sharing compassion for someone, having that special someone. Someone to snuggle with while your watching a movie. Just knowing you have that person. Sorry for writing so much but i wanted to express how i feel. All comments will be helpful. Tips from women would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

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Well you definetly should try to just look for some fun before a real relationship. It gives you experience and basic

Knowledge you will want before chosing a girl you want to really be with. To me, it looks like your biggest advantage is your will to change. Try really persuading your friends into going to a bar with you, or ask to tag along if you hear someone talking about going out in class. Also if you have trouble talking to girls just hit some cute swedish girl you saw om facebook. I think you have a great advantage in being from the US and if you look good this can really help you. Approach girls and let them know where you are from and that you are looking to get to know more people, this Will work both when going out or through online contact. Nothing wrong in trying to be their friend first. Even if approaching girls doesent make anything happen it will increase your network and eventually some girl Will see you somewhere and become interested in you. Its no shame that you havent kissed a girl, but dont let them know. It makes kissing you or having a fling with you seem like a lot bigger deal to her and that might scare her

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What's your biggest fear about approaching a girl or asking her out? Obviously, not doing it is going to leave you in that situation but you need to find out what's stopping you, what the fear really is about. Everyone fears rejection but in a way rejection is a good thing but it separates out those who didn't feel strongly enough about us. People are doing it on an instinctive level: they sense some incompatibility. But, some will instinctively feel that you are compatible. Of those that do, some will be attractive to you. Those are the girls you need to find. Girls rejecting you is a useful filter to help you find the girl who is capable of feeling strongly towards you not simply drifting off for the slightest reason.

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