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Dating is so difficult at university..


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I came out of a very messy relationship of 3 1/2 years about 2 months ago now, and I was really hurt by it (admittedly I probably still am). At home (since it's been Easter Holidays) I've been getting with people on and off whilst out - people I know and friends of friends - the last time, the guy got my number and we started chatting. I was really happy about this as I felt half-ready to date again, and it was nice to be appreciated on a level that was more than physical. However things have gone totally 'mixed signal' after a week and I'm not sure that it's worth pursuing, since he went to a different uni anyway and lived in a town about 1 1/2 hours from mine; as a result it's kind of left me feeling a bit down about the whole dating thing.


The way I look at it, unless you and your partner come from the same town and go to the same uni, you're going to be long distance at some point. Students are constantly going home and coming back to uni, so even I don't feel like I have a permanent home at the moment. This makes me feel pretty rubbish as it is, and I just don't think I'm going to have another happy and fulfilling relationship until I come out of university and settle somewhere. Being single is alright and it's nice to only have to look out for myself, but I do miss being close to someone - and the uni guys I know are either just friends, complete ***** or taken. I'm a member of 3 societies and have a good social life, so I do end up meeting lots of people - just being hurt so badly last time and not wanting another LDR because of that, renders me unable to see when I'm going to have a loving relationship next.



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i sometimes see messed up heads on LS when/if love-in-the-classroom ends, the girls crying and ruining thier studies by having to see the ex with another girl/s in class every day dating them, i only hope that well maybe i'll just post this and hope true love finds OP who is young so i'm protective

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