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*NEED *My girlfriend cheated on me now my dreams are haunting me about it.

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My girlfriend and I have been together on and off for 5 years. I'm 20 and she's 19. When in high school she went through what i guess you could call a rebellious phase. Doing drugs, acting slutty etc... During this time my best friend was dating her best friend. Didn't matter though because one drug-fueled night they ended up sleeping with each other. I did not find out at the time. I always had suspicion but both parties denied it. Years later after my gf and i had come off our biggest break ever (almost a year, during which she was dating another of my good friends) i had a horribly vivid dream where i was about to make love to my gf when my best friend suddenly appears in the bed and starts having sex with her instead. I wake up and immediately text my girlfriend asking for the truth. She finally told me what i had suspicions about for years. I know it was a while ago but now night after night im having these vivd dreams where i must watch my gf sleep with my best friend. They are starting to affect my waking life. I'm anxious all day and feel anger towards my gf and my best friend. I don't know what to do. Please help me!!!!

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"Years later"....?

What, were you dating when you were 12, or something?


we either need a more accurate timeline, or you're just picking figures out of the air...

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firstly -just don't believe the dreaming bit, dreams never are reality.


secondly- if your "best friend" shags your gf or even recent ex GF then he is no best friend.


I am come to accept most girls go through a slut phase, you can either deal with it or not, you have my empathy and sympathy but seriously mate, these feelings will not go away easily.


I'd tell them both to get stuffed, or learn to live with a gf and best friend

who aren't really either.

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okay, I'm thinking troll.


But, on the off chance....... Drop them both. Your 22. You don't need the drama. Plus, who wants to be with a girl that does drugs? Not someone you want to take home to mom.

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nothing wrong with soft drugs, God put them on the planet for a reason and irrelevant for the OPs query.


Really? Name one good thing that ever happens taking any drug? Crack, Smack, Ice, yellows, reds, rainbows, pot, coke, X, acid, shrooms, Oxy, huffers, alcohol? What GOOD comes from it?


If you're caught with any of it. You get a nice set of braclette's and a small vacation until you go see the man. People steal and kill for it. Kids steal from their parents for it. you get a record. If you bake and drive or drink and drive, you loose your license. Your health goes to sh*t for it. What GOOD comes from it? Even the "soft" ones? And yes it is relevant to the OP's query. What good came from OP's girl doing drugs? Hmmm....her cheating on him and now he has sleepless nights and nightmares. YAY DRUGS!!!!

Edited by Chi townD
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