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dunno if my friend likes me

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hey people.


i went to a concert last night with a group of friends.to be honest,i was a little depressed but i was trying to enjoy myself.


i think my friends noticed this.anyway,my friend sally and i were on the dancefloor.she took me by the hands and started dancing with me.now,to put this in perspective,she is the most shy and nervous person.this isnt the kind of thing she would do.


thing is,im nt sure if she likes me at all.if she does,id want a relationship with her because shes a sweet and funny girl underneath.


how do i go about finding out?see,i might be jumping conclusions but i just dunno.




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for a start buddy review the whole thing, after a few drinks most people come out of their “shell” did you consider that she felt sorry for you or was simply trying to cheer you up. We’ve all been depressed at some stage and it’s too easy when someone gives you a little attention to think “she’s great, she likes me“ Chill out and take it slow. Try chatting to her normally and see how it goes.


If I was you I wouldn’t think much of it, I know exactly what your thinking. I felt the exact same with a girl at work but I decided just to “play the field” and meet more girls + getting to know her more. See what’s really happening, if she's really intrested she'll give you the signals.


If I’ve learnt anything from girls is that they want to be friends first and for most. Just because she speaks to you etc, you could even be best friends but that’s doesn’t mean she has romantic feelings for you.


Maybe I’m wrong but just consider what I said or you might end up looking the fool.

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