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ok, i called her. What now?

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ok, i called her yesturday. I told her that i was returning her call. She said she was calling to see how i was doing. She was very friendly to me. But, one of the first things she asked me was "so, i heard you had a girlfriend, how are you and her doing?" She was refering about this girl i dated Sarah, which i dated about a month ago. I told her that me and Sarah was not together anymore, and changed the subject. She said nothing else about either of our love lives, She spoke very very briefly that she was single and not talking to anyone, and hadn't dated anyone in a while. I told her that i was surprized to hear from her, and she said that she is always full of surprizes. We mainly talked about how our friends was doing etc. I followed Tony's advice and after about 20 minutes i told her that i had to go, thanked her for calling, and told her to call me sometime. What does that sound like to you all? What do i do now, wait for her to call me? I really enjoyed talking to her. I realize that i still have feelings for her, and would love to go out with her sometime, but i wouldn't tell her that. What do i do now?


Please help!!!!!!!!!!!

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You really are a glutton for punishment. You really enjoy having your heart clawed on a regular basis.


This chick called you ONLY because she didn't have anything going right now. She also wanted to be sure you were in reserve for her. She broke up with you to see other men. But try to understand that she knows you are lovesick about her and you are nothing more to her than a reserve, someone to be there for her in between relationships.


She all but told you that. She is a very young chick. She has little experience. She needs to see the world. This is NOT going to be a happening thing for you, not for the next few years anyway. She broke up with you and told you she wanted to see other people, see what they were like, see what she was missing. A girl in love DOES NOT DO THAT.


A girl who is in love would be INSANE if she broke up with her love to, duh, see what other guys are like.


What can I tell you so you will understand...write this girl off for now. If you can handle talking to her like you did, occasionally, for 15 minutes, say every 6 months, fine. But don't make it more than just a brief chat. And don't count on her calling you at all if she is seeing someone.


Now, if you want to go for it, be my guest. If you think for a minute she has gotten all the wandering out of system, just go for it. She was not in love with you before and I have no idea why you would want to act as her babysitter again while she looks for someone else she is interested in. If you really like ladies using you, great. Hey, I don't blame you for wanting to be with someone you really have feelings for. It's only natural. But you have to think enough of yourself not to want to be used. This girl is guaranteed to break your heart if you let her.


You have to think enough of yourself not to want to be with someone you love while she is looking for someone else to love. I mean, be nice to yourself because this girl is looking out ONLY for herself.


All the wishing in the world is not going to bring this girl around. When she is older, more mature, and has been around the block a lot more, maybe things will be different.


You are wasting a lot of time for yourself and for your heart.

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ok, you must be right. I will never ever ever call her back or answer the phone if she ever calls me again, as long as i live. I heard a saying once that said Absence makes the Heart Grow Fonder. That saying must be bologna. I'll take your word on it, i know you wouldn't be giving this info if it wasn't 100% the truth. If she ever calls, I'll have my dad answer the phone and tell her that i joined the Peace Corps and moved to Africa. lol





You really are a glutton for punishment. You really enjoy having your heart clawed on a regular basis. This chick called you ONLY because she didn't have anything going right now. She also wanted to be sure you were in reserve for her. She broke up with you to see other men. But try to understand that she knows you are lovesick about her and you are nothing more to her than a reserve, someone to be there for her in between relationships.


She all but told you that. She is a very young chick. She has little experience. She needs to see the world. This is NOT going to be a happening thing for you, not for the next few years anyway. She broke up with you and told you she wanted to see other people, see what they were like, see what she was missing. A girl in love DOES NOT DO THAT. A girl who is in love would be INSANE if she broke up with her love to, duh, see what other guys are like. What can I tell you so you will understand...write this girl off for now. If you can handle talking to her like you did, occasionally, for 15 minutes, say every 6 months, fine. But don't make it more than just a brief chat. And don't count on her calling you at all if she is seeing someone. Now, if you want to go for it, be my guest. If you think for a minute she has gotten all the wandering out of system, just go for it. She was not in love with you before and I have no idea why you would want to act as her babysitter again while she looks for someone else she is interested in. If you really like ladies using you, great. Hey, I don't blame you for wanting to be with someone you really have feelings for. It's only natural. But you have to think enough of yourself not to want to be used. This girl is guaranteed to break your heart if you let her. You have to think enough of yourself not to want to be with someone you love while she is looking for someone else to love. I mean, be nice to yourself because this girl is looking out ONLY for herself. All the wishing in the world is not going to bring this girl around. When she is older, more mature, and has been around the block a lot more, maybe things will be different. You are wasting a lot of time for yourself and for your heart.

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