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Weird Girl.. Need Some Help On This One


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this girl doesn't want to be with me because she has a boyfriend. but she wont let me get with her friend. she completely blocked me. saying in front of everyone that she is her best friend. whatever that mean. can anyone help?


thanx alot,


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I've met a lot of women that dislike their friends dating anyone they're interested in or have dated. This could be a sign that she's interested in you, and wants to keep you for herself. I know, she's got a boyfriend, but that doesn't matter. She may be keeping you as her 'boyfriend under glass' in case something happens with her and her boyfriend.

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she is probably insulted that you desided that since you can't have her you would move on to her best friend.

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i dont see the problem. she is the one who turned me down. if i had a girl that wanted to be with me and i said no. i would have no problem if she hooked up with my friend. i wouldnt mind at all.



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its an unwritten rule that you dont go out with friends ex's, but you arent an ex as such? as far as i can gather you never even dated


if thats the case, id agree with msrealdoll in that it is likely to indicate she has some sort of interest in you. if she genuinely wasnt interested she'd be glad to get you off her case. if i was her, and i didnt have any vested interest in keeping you single id be glad to see you off elsewhere.


The other option is that she wants you out of her life totally, which means turning up with her friend would make her uncomfortable for whatever reason (her liking you, her being worried her bf will find out you were interested - he might be jealous or insecure - her being uncomfortable with you after turning you down, or maybe she feels that her friend may get hurt by you as she feels you may still like her and are trying to stay close by asking her friend out.)


Could be lots of reasons.



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