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A guy says he loves me -he's cheating on his girlfriend to be with me

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a man says he loves a woman -he's cheating on his girlfriend to be with the other woman who is me. the man tells me it's OVER with his girlfriend. I know this is not true since he told me that she's checked his cell phone and found out he's been calling me everyday for the past 2 months. The man won't invite me to his house which I've joked about, cancels last minute plans, etc. He says he doesn't live with his girlfriend, and that he'll invite me over one day.. his house is a mess... yeah right. Obviously he has some feelings for his girlfriend and is still involved.

There is always a sob story when the man and I meet, how much we miss each other, i love you blah blah blah. You should see us in public. It's pathetic. It's always a sob story. We're kissing, we're telling each other it'll work. etc. etc.

I have tried to leave him numerous times. I won't return his calls for days. I turn off my cell phone. You name it. But he tells me he wants me in his life. He's in love with me. That's it. He wants me in his life for what?? A girl he meets up with every now and then,? says I love you to, and walk away? Crazy. I believe I'm falling in love with him. But I'm not sure. He wants me to love him. He tells me this. I laugh and say. well... It's just that you and I don't see each other everyday...etc. etc.


Take today for instance. He calls me in the morning to arrange to meet with me in the evening. He calls me back in the evening to say something came up with his brother. But to keep my phone on. Yeah yeah I say= Then he tells me he's been thinking about me all day. I tell him I'm not going to answer the phone when he calls later= Which he won't call. He likes to tell me he'd spend time with me, then something comes up. I'm pissed. Then he'll call me nonstop for two three days till I pick up the phone. Wondering where I was??!


We do hang out on the weekends together, we see each other on holidays together, and I am so happy around him.

But Actions speak louder than words with love. He tells me it will happen. Be patient. I know this is his way of keeping me around.


Recently The man has not had sex with me in a month now!!!!. I am sick of it!!!.

He wants to get to know me better instead of just meeting for sex since I kept telling him he was using me, and so he said he wants to show me it's more than that. He wants me in his life so desperately he told me. If he wanted me out of his life he'd not even want to meet with me. Why the hell is he keeping me around professing his love??? I am sick of it. I thought maybe he wasn't interested anymore, but he insists he wants me in his life?! I assume and I told him that maybe he's trying to show me he's interested in a relationship, which he wants with me and has told me numerous times. I thought he just wanted sex from me, but he said he's trying to show me he wants more than that.. This would explain no sex for awhile i guess? To keep me around i guess, but I've about had it with no sex from him. Might I add that this man is much older than I am, I'm 26 years old.

What should I do.

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you need to get rid of his ass......



that's far too much drama for anyone.. especially a 26 year old woman to have to go through. If he's older than YOU.. and he still acts like this.... that is a big hell no.


I wouldn't fall in love with a man, 1. who cheats on his girlfriend to be with you... and 2. who is this indecisive.


When normally, you date someone, you fall in love with someone, you are with that person to see if it has the potential to be forever, right? Usually?


Is someone who is like this to his other girlfriends, and already like this to you even someone you would consider being with for forever?

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Actions do speak louder than words. This guy is a user--he loves and is faithful to a woman only as long as she keeps his interest. When he's bored with her, he feels he thens gets to cheat on her, instead of doing the sensible thing and breaking up. Sorry, you won't change him.


No one can stop you from dating this guy, but don't be suprised one day when he starts cheating on you and telling the OW that it's over with you. End all contact with him, it may seem hard to do, but this guy will never be faithful to you or make you happy.

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You already seem to be listening to intuition cus of your being skeptical, not picking up the fone when he calls,doubting the love.. feeling youve had enough?

Really this is the type of guy I would love to dump! It seems easy from my end but i sympathize i know its hard for you. But you say you think your falling in love i think you should leave before it progresses more and its harder to seperate yourself from him.

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also ladida.....


He is lying to his girlfriend more likely he is lying to you also. I think some guys find it a thrill to date two woman. I cant say this guy knows what love is really. If he did love, respect , want to be with you...he would not have you in this situation, and on top of that he is telling you what he thinks you want to hear, doing his best to make you happy just so you will stick with him. Manipulating bastard.


One thing ive learned is people treat you as good as you let them treat you!

Fact is you probably will find love again, can be in a happy healthy relationship with someone and get respect and devotion if you just let go of the loser, admire the experience for what youve learned from it. Let him make you wiser to what you want and dont want in a relationship.

Good luck and remeber you deserve better.







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