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Ever feel tense and edgy and not know why?

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I have been feeling tense these past few days. Not unhappy. Not angry. Not sad. Just tense and a bit edgy. As though something is amiss. Obviously, something is troubling me for some reason. Just not sure what it is. Perhaps I am worried about mum (nothing unusual there)...I'm honestly not sure! I've also got a few other things up in the air at the moment, and I tend to like to have everything organised and controlled... LOL! Maybe that's it.

Or maybe it's just PMS!


Does this happen to you too?

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I sometimes find myself impatient and cranky. I notice it when the cat beasties bug me. So I check the checklist I mentioned in the 'anger' thread - have I eaten enough of the right stuff, gotten enough sleep, and what day of the month is it :D I'm getting much better at noticing it as soon as it starts affecting me and looking right away for what's up. I also take a few more B vitamins since they're supposed to be helpful with that sort of thing. Usually the cause is real easy to trace and fix!


But I thought you had had that glitch with the meds - that could likely do it!

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Could be it. Or else PMS. That only occurred to me this arfternoon. I'll dose up on the PMT pills. :)

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Could be it. Or else PMS. That only occurred to me this arfternoon.


Put it on the checklist that you look at whenever you notice your mood has changed. Food, water, rest, and hormones. In the wrong quantities, they can all be trouble - too little of the first three and too many of the latter!

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Originally posted by Thinkalot


Does this happen to you too?


Yes, I usually attribute it to hormones, too much caffeine, or having too many kids. ;)

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All the time! At which point it is time to take a short break which usually involves neck relaxation (I tend to feel it in my neck and shoulders) - do some stretching, deep breaths, lie down and close your eyes for a few minutes and think of nothing, take a walk to get some endorphins going...


Wait til you have kids!! The tough part is trying not to take it out on others - hence the need for the short break...

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Is this a new prob for you or has it been ongoing? Just checking b/c I was in a bad car accident and a while later I started feeling like this. The prob got increasingly worse until I started seeing a doc for panic attacks. They feel I had Post Traumatic Stress that led to an anxiety disorder. Lots of people develop these disorders for all dif reasons but if you feel tense and anxious for no apparent reason you may want to check into this since those can be signs. I didn't need any meds- just counceling and relaxation techniques but everyone is dif. Good luck!

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No, I don't always feel this way.


Speaking about the perils of not eating properly...it's about 4pm here, and I only just ate lunch (first thing since breakfast). Boy was I feeling grumpy half an hour ago! :p

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Not eating properly definately makes some people grumpy, ive seen that in action. what you describe in your first post sounds more psychological than hormonal or physiological, purely because you say something feels 'amiss'. I can get myself mightily worked up if the lunar cycle is lined up correctly with my 23rd day to the extent hysteria, but i never feel something is amiss unless its a relationship with collaegue/friend/family/SO etc that ive picked up signals from - if you think it might be your mother, it prob is.


i was reading recently that we pick subsconscious signals up - for eg, if you are walking down a dark street and you suddenly feel nervous, it may be that you have picked up a signal that you dont recognise - such as someones footsteps changing pace without you perceiving the change


i feel like that after a bad dream sometimes. can last all day



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I can relate to feeling that way after a bad dream for sure.


I've also been searching within to figure out what has been bothering me.


I think it is underlying concerns about my mum...and also underlying stress about a lot of planning and budgetting which lies before my fiance and I. I LOVE planning and travelling, but even I sometimes feel a bit swamped.


We've started trying to pull things together for our overseas Fiji wedding, we're also organising a trip to Borneo followed by Denver Sept (Denver is a paid trip for my fiance to attend a work conference, but I am going too- a last minute decision by us). It's wonderful, and we save and work hard to achieve such goals...but sometimes, me- the control freak- gets stressed when everything isn't 'locked into place'. Plus, I wish my mum was experiencing the happiness I am right now, when in fact she is facing difficulties.

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I'm sorry your mum isnt happy at the mo - with the wedding (not jealous) etc going on, sounds like you have a lot of just-enough-to-set-you-on-edge on your plate.


your unease may get better if you emote and express it, maybe you dont need to talk about being concerned, just find out how others are feeling and connect. i hate that non-specific concern, i think its the same feeling people describe as a feeling of impending doom, self fulfilling prophecy, if its thought something doom-laden is about to occur, the possibility is embraced, making it more likely?


fiji wedding? still not jealous.


seen in other posts how happy you are & other stuff is improving, am delighted for you :D

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Thanks so much Bigbelm!


Feeling a bit easier today, as we have decided to postpone Borneo...so not so much at once!


Can't wait for the Fiji wedding!

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