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I don't know what i did wrong.

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Manuel Segura

So in school there's this whole bisexual trend going on in some groups and i really like this girl in one of them. It started back in December of 2011. We were talking on Facebook, calling etc. and one day I finally built up the nerve to tell her how i feel. She was happy about because she liked me too. The only problem was she was with someone already, not wanting to hurt her gf's feelings she didn't break up with her until about February. In that time period we always texted saying how much we liked each other and normal talking. So after their break up she said she wanted some time to be single, to not rush things. Few weeks after that she suddenly stops texting me and rarely talked to me in school for maybe all of march. Into April she started talking to me again normally although we never talked about us being together. Then she did it again, she stopped talking to me. About a week ago i found out she was back with the girl she broke up with before without ever telling me.


The night i found out i had some kind of mental breakdown, I started crying and yelling and throwing things. What bothers me the most is the girl she's with has cheated on her multiple times and does drugs. Another thing is i waited about half a year to be with her while she only had to talk to the girl for one day. When I asked her about she said she did like me and she never told me what i did wrong.


Ever since i can't eat, sleep, and my friends are starting to drift away from me. Every day i have suicidal thoughts and think about how useless I am and how world would be better of without me. I really like her but i don't know what to do. Anyone have some tips?

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So in school there's this whole bisexual trend going on in some groups and i really like this girl in one of them. It started back in December of 2011. We were talking on Facebook, calling etc. and one day I finally built up the nerve to tell her how i feel. She was happy about because she liked me too. The only problem was she was with someone already, not wanting to hurt her gf's feelings she didn't break up with her until about February. In that time period we always texted saying how much we liked each other and normal talking. So after their break up she said she wanted some time to be single, to not rush things. Few weeks after that she suddenly stops texting me and rarely talked to me in school for maybe all of march. Into April she started talking to me again normally although we never talked about us being together. Then she did it again, she stopped talking to me. About a week ago i found out she was back with the girl she broke up with before without ever telling me.


The night i found out i had some kind of mental breakdown, I started crying and yelling and throwing things. What bothers me the most is the girl she's with has cheated on her multiple times and does drugs. Another thing is i waited about half a year to be with her while she only had to talk to the girl for one day. When I asked her about she said she did like me and she never told me what i did wrong.


Ever since i can't eat, sleep, and my friends are starting to drift away from me. Every day i have suicidal thoughts and think about how useless I am and how world would be better of without me. I really like her but i don't know what to do. Anyone have some tips?


Find a guy to bone out those suicidal thoughts out of your head? :mad:


Are you going to allow to yourself to loose all your friends, your health and eventually life for one rejection? I know it's hard, I have been rejected by a girl I like some time ago, but nobody said that life is fair, right?

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