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Help make sense of this

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I have left some posts about my situation. Please bear with me I'm new at this ended relationship stuff. About three months ago me and my gf ended our three year relationship. Well really she ended it cause she was a constant cheater. Anyway I had a real hard time accepting this but I finally have. I still do love her but I've accepted it being over for now and maybe forever. My question is this. The last time me and her talked she said that I'm too good for her etc. and not to ever contact her again. So I haven't. About a week ago there were two postcards in my mailbox for my grandma and cousin from my ex. She didn't know there address, I guess. Anyway one was wishing my cousin a happy birthday. And the other to my grandma was saying she misses her and still considers you all (my family) to be her family and that she loves everyone. What the hell. How akward is that. I don't know what to think of this. What really gets me is through all of this why am I being punished. I didn't do anything wrong and didn't want to breakup. Now I am just supposed to forget that I never knew her, ya right. Anyway I just kind of wanted to see what you guys think the intent was behind those postcards??





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It's simple - the intent is to get YOUR attention which she accomplished. If she has a brain and Internet access, she could have gotten the addresses probably fairly easily - or even from a phonebook. But by sending them "in care of" you, it makes her look like some of angel - remembering Grandma and your cousin plus she gets bonus points for getting a direct hit in again on your heart and emotions. If this woman constantly cheated on you and put you through what you've been through, continue to walk away, far away. Her sending those cards so you would know about it is a cheap shot. She told you it was over and to never contact her again - she's the one with the issues - not you. She probably realizes now what a mistake she made and that you were probably the best thing to ever happen to her. But you made the wise move, took her advice to stay away. Continue on that path - there surely is someone out there who will treasure you - you don't need this kind of game playing.

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I AGREE WITH WISER 100%!!! Stay away from this chick, she doesn't deserve you and you are far better off without her and her cheating ways, which won't change. Don't contact her just because of this little game she is playing with you. Forward on the cards to your cous and gram if you like, but do not contact her personally! Oh, and maybe try Paulie's suggestion of "looking for ladies"!!!!!!!

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YOU ASK: "Anyway I just kind of wanted to see what you guys think the intent was behind those postcards??"


They were meant to remind you how she used to cheat on you, forcing you to break up with her. And they were meant to show you how nuts you are to ask why you are being punished. Getting a cheater out of your life so easily is the GREATEST GIFT that can be bestowed on a man.


She may be sending the cards in advance of trying to get back with you because she has no one to cheat on at present. A cheater has to have a cheatee and you must have been a good one.


Can you say, "FORGET HER BUTT???" Don't make a fool out of yourself again.

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Joe, you seem like one of those sweet people who don't understand that there are some slimey, no-good skanks out there (because you are not like them). You also probably think that only men have cornered the market on being sleaze-dogs. But I know that there are plenty of trashy, bum-like women out there who love to manipulate men and play them for all they are worth.


When I read about those cards to your gram and cousin I just muttered, "Crap!" I would throw the cards away and not even deliver them. That sugar-coated crapola is a transparent way of her making herself seem like a really nice person, when, from all your postings, I can see she is NOT!

I AGREE WITH WISER 100%!!! Stay away from this chick, she doesn't deserve you and you are far better off without her and her cheating ways, which won't change. Don't contact her just because of this little game she is playing with you. Forward on the cards to your cous and gram if you like, but do not contact her personally! Oh, and maybe try Paulie's suggestion of "looking for ladies"!!!!!!!
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