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I've realized that at times I've wanted a woman to get her heart stomped on. I'm not a bad person but I see a girl I know on facebook suddenly talking about love, why are guys like this? And I think maybe she got hurt and wakes up to nice guys instead of the guy who is a carbon copy of every bad boyfriend she's ever had?

Maybe I'm a bad person. But it doesn't matter, I'm certain I'll be alone forever.

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Have you any idea what karma is?

Karma is not a vengeful consequence.


Karma is not judgemental, it doesn't evaluate, it's not come-uppance or "here, you deserve it."


Karma simply means 'Action', or 'cause'.

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....at times I've wanted a woman to get her heart stomped on.


THIS is Karma.



I'm certain I'll be alone forever.


THIS - isn't.

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