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He was friend with benefit now I want more

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Confusion after breakup-I think I like a guy should I tell him

I recently ended a 3 year relationship with a guy I really loved. I cheated on him once with another guy. I was being ignored and just needed a friend and it turned into a friend with benefits kind of fling. He was in a troubled relationship himself. This went on for a couple months. I felt like we were great friends and I really liked him, there were times when I thought he really liked me too, but could never tell if he was just being nice or did he have feelings for me. We both broke up our relationships and we had one night together I felt like we were becoming more than just friends. We would text each other about more than just sex. Then we we stopped talkin for awhile. He friended me on Facebook and I keep up with him on there. He started dating a girl and I saw it on Facebook, but I noticed recently that he has removed some of her posts and he does not have a relationship status posted anymore. Maybe he just blocked that from me, not sure.

I keep feeling like a fool for having feelings for a guy I know probably doesn't want anything but sex from me but I can't help wanting more

I really would like to hear some advice or from someone who has been in a situation like this before. I know I should feel this pain over my ex-boyfriend but instead I obsess over my friend I'm crushing on, that I'm not even sure has feelings for me. I feel like I need to tell him how I feel or I will drive myself crazy, but I feel stupid doing that( not sure if feels anything for me, we were supposed to be just friends) it's a really long story and hard to explain all the details but this is a start. Could anyone help me work through these feelings? What should I do?

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Although it's not easy, I would advise moving on. If he felt that the intimacy you shared meant something, he would have acted on it... not find someone else.


It's a pill to swallow... don't look for validation from him. In his mind, you were on equal ground; using eachother for physical intimacy. Hold your head high and refuse to play the fool with this one.

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Thank u for your reply. I know what you say is he truth because it has been a thought that has been stuck in the back of my mind. How can I move on and get on with my life? I have been with other guys but I still think about my crush. I don't know why I am so attached this has never happened to me before.

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Sweetheart, it's because you weren't satisfied with the 'one-time' intimacy. Best way to put it is thinking about a cold cup of water when you were out in 95 degree heat with high humidity for 5hrs without a drink (that's your past relationship with your ex), and then someone gives you a cup of iced tap water. you think it's the best effing water you've had EVER, when in truth, it's not.


Baby, please move on and find love.

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Sweetheart, it's because you weren't satisfied with the 'one-time' intimacy. Best way to put it is thinking about a cold cup of water when you were out in 95 degree heat with high humidity for 5hrs without a drink (that's your past relationship with your ex), and then someone gives you a cup of iced tap water. you think it's the best effing water you've had EVER, when in truth, it's not.


Baby, please move on and find love.


Gatorade taste so awesome after a 2 hour work out, but when i have it in my free time I'm like wutever.

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