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Procrastination as Resentment toward Wife

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Aquarius Guy

I feel I need to improve myself, because I delay a lot of things that could be done sooner for my wife, and for the household.


I naturally tend to procrastinate, and do not get motivated to do anything until it is the last minute. Some things I delay will annoy my wife, so I get the bonus of getting attention (Although Negative) and I am able to exress my resentment for the idea that my wife could do more for me.


Perfection comes into the equation, as I have fears that contribute to the procrastination, such as making an error, in sorting receipts, etc. So receipts sit in boxes, unsorted.


So I am starting this thread to hold myself accoutable, and to call myself on inappropriately blaming my wife, in my own mind, for my own procrastination.




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Aquarius Guy

Found a free On-Line Timer, for task management


Procrastination Dash Timer


I read the three Procrastination threads, already started, listed below.



Searched Procrastinate Time:


Beating Procrastination - Time Management Skills from MindTools.com



Lists some Procrastination Strategies




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