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Friend from work drunk dialing me, how do I approach this?

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So, some girl I've been interested in but not really pursuing from work was out for her friend's 21st, and I texted her jokingly to make sure her and her friends weren't going to get in trouble. Then she called me and told me to "come hang out with them at <insert restaurant here>". I humored them and stopped by for a minute, but they were just going to go home so I told them I'd catch them later. She's pretty comfortable with me physically, so she would hug me goodbye, etc.


10 minutes later, she calls me again, apologizing for "making me" come hang out with her and her drunk friends. Now, she was actually very coherent, so I know she hadn't had that much to drink because I've seen her when she's past the point of no return. She also told me to let her know when I got back from my trip because she wanted to hang out.


Now, she only acts this way when she's been drinking, but she did send me a follow up text the next day. It seems like she was really concerned about me not being mad for having to deal with her drunk. It really feels like she's interested but she only really makes it obvious when she's been drinking and feeling courageous. I do like her, but before this, I've been afraid that she didn't think of me this way. I know that I only drunk dial girls asking to hang out if I'm interested in them. Should I just be direct with her and ask her how she feels? I would just rather not scare her away by acting too soon.

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Don't ask her how she feels about you, ask her out.

Her answer will tell you.


If she's the kind of girl who must drink to express her true feelings, she's not going to react well to you putting her on the spot stone cold sober.

So, please don't go that route.

She's a wee bit shy but the signs (as you've described them) look good.


Ask her out and report back.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that she said "yes", until you do.

Edited by cerridwen
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