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What To Say?

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You know...I'm not sure...I'm the one seeking the divorce...hmmm :confused:


I'm not familiar with your situation, but the things I need to here are:


* I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me.

* I did not realize it hurt you so deeply when I went on vacation with two other women. (True story :( Sad part...I stayed!)

* I am willing to do whatever it takes to fix what I have broken (then actually seeing him do the footwork)

* I apologize for all the pain I have caused you. (and when I go off telling him about how much it truly hurt, I need him to sit, listen and validate what my experience has been).

* I need to know that he is willing to sit through the uncomfortable feelings his actions have caused.


These are just a couple suggestions...not sure if they apply to your situation. Basically, honest and taking responsibility for the stuff he did instead of trying to justify it...


Hope this helps...for me, just writing about it validates what I truly need from a partner...Honesty and Respect :love:

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