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lil advice please

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I have been dating this guy for about 9 months now. Everything seemed fine until we went on vacation together. His whole family went with us and they all fought all the time. I didnt quite act myself when we were there cus i didnt want to say something and have everyone mad at me so i just stayed quiet and minded my own business..when it was too much to handle i left the room. Well when we got back things were different. I found a letter he wrote to a friend via email and said that after the trip he thought that things wasnt going to go too much further and that he felt like he couldnt trust me. I dont know what i've done that he thinks he cant trust me, but he feels that way. The funny thing is, the same day he wrote that I asked him if everything was ok between us and he said yes.


Well here lately i've noticed that he's been looking at personal adds. Should i be worried that he is going to cheat on me? I love him with all my heart and i'm just affraid somethings going to happen. Things have been better within the last 3 days or so...but do you think something else is going on?

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I think this is odd. Are there any other indications that he is losing interest in you. I don't know. There's got to be something. Just be cautious of things. Apparently what he tells you and what he's telling other people are adding up. Somewhere he's lying to someone, beit you or his friend. Either way, it's not cool. It's hard to jump to a conclusion without any evidence. Like I said, just be aware of what you read.


*I hate to sound annoying, but no one has responded to my post. Can u read it and respond. thanks. I know I sound desperate. But, I'm really confused, just like I'm sure you are. It's quite lengthy, but PLEEASEE! :bunny::p

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