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Strip club/private male stripper question


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She just didn't do it for me. She's bi-curious. There are plenty of times when a good looking chick is on TV or one passes us, my fiancee will say 'She's hot', etc.. You & her are totally different. My fiancee would probably dump me if I was adamitant about taking her to a male strip club. She prefers the females, to her their bodies are more beautiful. And who am I to complain? :)

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This is all so strange to me. I've never wanted to go to one of those shows. I've always been told that the guys in those shows are mostly gay. Most of my friends and acquaintances are under this impression, too.

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Originally posted by jmargel

She prefers the females, to her their bodies are more beautiful.


But then why is she with you? Especially if that's her preference? Is she living a facade? What makes you the only exception to her sexual preference? Do you not fear that one day she will run off with a woman? Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions...trying to see how this works here.

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I agree that it seems most male strippers are gay. I'm not taking up for women going while in a relationship though.


I think if a guy or girl is uncomfortable about it, the SO shouldn't go. If my H or myself is having someone else grinding between their legs, it's cheating.

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I am a married male who worked in a club that had a male review once a week .


The reason a man cannot go to a male review with his lady is that it isn`t allowed, men aren`t permitted in until after the show.


The reason for this is so the women can get crazy.


I have seen everything from kissing to oral sex to intercourse at these shows.


It is most definately not a double standard for a man to ask his wife not to go to one of these shows.


A male strip club by comparison is tame, you cannot touch the girls, no one is screaming their heads off or losing their minds or trying to perform sex acts on the strippers..if it happens the man is immediately kicked out.


A male review...no holds barred(at least the shows I`ve seen and they were different troupes of strippers).


I also go with my wife to a strip club occasionally, she prefers them to male reviews because the atmosphere is far more laid back.


This is just the very rare point of view of a man who has actually witnessed a male review....since there aren`t many men who have seen one of these shows they assume they`re like a mens club...they aren`t.


Having said all this I`m going to do an about-face.


If my wife asked to go to one....I`d let her...I trust her.

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Her and 15 girls went for a bday party. They all got wasted before the stripper got there. The bday girl passed out before he arrived, and I found out that the ****er forced himself on my girlfriend and had sex with her. I am pissed and don't know what to do.



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666vetteguy, sure that that isn't just the story?


My friends had a private male stripper, I wasn't there, but I heard there was some freaky action in the shower.


I went to a male review and when the birthday girls were up on the stage, the guy pretty much.. well it depended on the girl. Basically rubs himself all over her, maybe lifts her up and humps her ass. They have all these moves. They are all perverted, clearly. Nobody's paying to attend a tea party. But I didn't see anything scandalous (although I don't consider a dollar bill being pulled from out the top of a girls shirt with teeth scandalous). The girls definately get a little hyper at those things though, woo. Definately if you're that kind of a guy go to a club where a male strip club just finished performing, okay?

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It just comes down to whether or not you trust her and if you do there is no need to send spies or anything else. Also, try a little communication - like hay babe, i've heard this or that goes on in those clubs - you aren't paying for sex when you got it at home for free are you? Or what do you think about those females that pay to give BJ's or have sex with the strippers (who more often than not are gay) at the male revues? Tell her what's on your mind and let her respond - either she going to be truthful or not but TRUST is the key to any relationship. And since you said you trust her then leave it at that ;)

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Originally posted by tikibrandy

But then why is she with you? Especially if that's her preference? Is she living a facade? What makes you the only exception to her sexual preference? Do you not fear that one day she will run off with a woman? Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions...trying to see how this works here.


Why is she with me? Because she loves me. Her being bi-curious is not on the emotional level. I'm not afraid of her running off with a woman, just like I'm not afraid of her running off with another man. I trust her. Ask as many questions as you like. When we discuss a possible 3 some issue, it was agreed that the 2nd woman would be viewed as a 'tool'. Just for sex. Alot of married women are bi, that doesn't mean they don't love their husbands.

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found out that the ****er forced himself on my girlfriend and had sex with her. I am pissed and don't know what to do.


If this is true, then he raped her and she should report him to the police.

If she didn't want to go that route, I'd ask a serious WHY?

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Exactly. He did rape her then.


Those male strippers have a huge ego, and it's because those shows don't have any 'rules' to go by, like the female ones do. It's more of a sex show than anything, from what I heard. Cheating is cheating, whether it is with a stripper or someone else.


To the original poster of this thread, you have some serious questions to ask her. It's all about trust, but for her to say 'nothing' happened while it was her birthday, then she is probably lying about that.

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I found out that she was highly intoxicated and willingly had sex with him. She warned me too, that she doesn't know what she is doing when she drinks. That is why she never drinks. But when 15 of her friends were drinking, she didn't want to look like a pussy. The bday girl passed out and then everyone designated my gf as the girl to get the lap dance since my gf helped get the stripper. Then he took her into another room and ya.....I know that girls get hot and heavy at these parties, and when alcohol is involved, **** gets really bad. I am really upset about this, but I am glad she told me the whole truth. When she got the lapdance he asked her if she had a bf, and she said yes. What pisses me off is that he still persued it. He brought condoms and everything knowing that someone would give it up to him, since everyone was drunk. The bottom line, alcohol and strippers don't mix. That is why alcohol isn't allowed at strip clubs. As of now, I don't really know what to do. She is pretty upset right now, so I think I am going to start by making her feel like I am here for her. She was almost at the passed out stage, and I know how hard it is to say no when you are like that.

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I am really upset about this, but I am glad she told me the whole truth.

You have the right to be upset but I don't think she told you the whole truth.


Part of it could be that in post you say the stripper forced himself on her, then you say she willingly had sex with him. If she was at the 'almost passed out stage' and he had sex with her, that would not be consensual.


If she knows what she is like when she drinks and she gets to the stage that she got at - her friends should have protected her not put her out to be the sacrificial lamb.


While I agree that I don't like the strippers coming to a house as it just moves it up a notch on the sicko scale. Anyways, I did go to one stagette where the stripper was brought to the house. He did go WAY overboard and did things that I know made the bride very uncomfortable. Heck, it made all of us uncomfortable. This was not the typical stuff that happens at a strip club. She was pissed drunk too. However, no matter how drunk she was and how skanky the stripper was there was no way in hel* that any of us would have let her be left alone in a room with a stripper. No way.


Your girlfriend needs to get new friends, pronto.

She also needs to start owning up to her own actions.

If she was as shi*-faced as you say, how does she know he wore a condom?


That is why alcohol isn't allowed at strip clubs.

In Canada, alcohol is allowed at strip clubs. Is it not allowed in the States?

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It is allowed in the states...or atleast in my state. Did she get banged in front of her friends? I'm assuming that they were out of the room? That's so hard to believe that crap like that would go down in a strip club...that's just nasty. EWWWWWWW. Why did her friends 'allow' her to leave privately and be with this prick? My friends had better slapped me silly if I was pulling that crap.

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I know this all started with the DJ guy asking about male revues...and I have to admit that the one review that I was at was much more low key than these that have been depicted. There was no nudity and to be honest, I figured that if you did get a look into the g-string there'd be a huge sock! (Just didn't look real...ya know?)


However, in looking at some other responses I'm learning that things do happen at those that I thought were isolated incodences. What I mean is this...after the revue a couple of the strippers came out in regular street clothes and were talking with a few of the ladies in the crowd (my group of chics being one). Subsequently we were invited back to their hotel along with a few other groups of women. Being out with a bunch of single chics...we went. We got there and all of the strippers had congregated in one hotel room with some of the women I had seen there and a bunch of boose. The guy that had been talking with us offered us a beer and we sat and talked with him. After a little while he asked me to go into the bathroom with him to talk to me personally...where more or less I got man handled. The chics that I was with had to help me pry the door open and then we left immediately. I never thought about it again...just one of those things.


My point is this...maybe these things are more than just checking guys out, and maybe these guys do have an inflated ego where they think they can have any chic there. This particular stripper definitely thought that he could have me and I'm sure when I left, he just went right to the next chic.


However Mike...I want to point out that there are ways to get out of these situations...we were drinking and the situation could have gotten worse but the chics I was with and my own value system is what got me out of there.


You my friend are a saint...I hope everything goes well with you, but I can tell you this...you deserve better.

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He didn't force himself on her. I just told you that cause i wanted to believe that is what happened. She willingly did it and he didn't charge her. I know that she did it and yes...it is cheating in my eyes, but alcohol was involved. She has been in situations like this before without alcohol and she was able to say NO. Many people react differently to alcohol. I have seen alcohol do this to some of my other girl friends. You just have to know your limitations. In fact, when I drink a lot, it is really easy for me to go along with someone. But in my head I am thinking that this is wrong. And no matter how **** faced I am, I can always remember what happened the night before. She wasn't passed out, she was at that stage where you go along with anything, but deep down inside it feels wrong. I do believe in second chances though. I have friends who have cheated on their gf or bf and it was a huge mistake and they never did it again. It is possible for them to realize what they did was wrong and to not do it again. This is why I believe in second chances. But for this to happen, I need to be able to trust her, which is going to be really really hard for me to do. So we will see. Also, I am in California and alcohol is illegal in full nudity strip clubs. However, alcohol is served in topless clubs. By the way, I don't know if I mentioned this, but my gf really wanted to see a male stripper, but at a strip club, not at a private party. Everyone else wanted a private party. She told me this before it even happened. Anywayz, thanks for all your great responses people...talk to you later....



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