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Do dreams mean anything?


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First of all, I am a believer in signs. Perhaps I read too much into things, but somehow I believe that everything happens for a reason and everything has a meaning.


So last night...(and many nights before it) I spent the entire night dreaming about one person. This person (who we'll call Ted) and I have actually only met a few times. He is a friend of a friend of mine. Anyway, I haven't ever really thought about him that much and I haven't seen him in months. But suddenly I'm having numerous dreams about him continually. Since I always remember my dreams, I'll wake up in the morning and realize that I've spent almost an entire night dreaming about Ted. No matter what the dream is about, he shows up in it.


So, does anyone believe that dreams are a sign of anything? Does this mean that I should be looking further into seeking some sort of relationship with Ted? Or perhaps it signifies that something is about to happen for him? Some believe that messages are contained in dreams that we are to pass on to others. Anyway.... what do any of you think about this? Any thoughts or opinions?

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Dreams are like corn. Some are for eating from the cob, some are for popping, some are for cooking with other veggies and some are for feeding to the hogs.


There are many kinds of dreams. Some may have meaning, some not. There are many reports of precognitive dreams in which someone dreamed of certain events, such as the assasination of a president, or certain sets of numbers, such as lottery numbers...and all came to pass.


Certain schools of psychology maintain that we work out many of our subconscious psychological issues in the dream state. Others feel that dreams must be interpreted to be meaningful and such interpretation is very subjective.


I think dreams are to be enjoyed...something to do while you're just lying there asleep. What better way to spend the more boring time of your day.


You are the best person to determine whether or not this had meaning for you. Maybe you will see this guy again soon, maybe you really wanted to get to know him better and your dreams allowed you to do so.


Since you didn't seem to have that much interest in him at the time, maybe he or someone close to him will play an important part in your life later on.


Since dreams are an incredibly inexact science, if you want to even call dream interpretation a science, I wouldn't spend too much time trying to figure out their meaning. Just enjoy them, talk about them, and use your waking hours to deal with the issues of the moment.


Hopefully, sometime in the near future, you'll more fully understand what these dreams meant.


You're lucky. I mostly have nightmares...even when I'm awake.

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Dreams are like corn. Some are for eating from the cob, some are for popping, some are for cooking with other veggies and some are for feeding to the hogs. There are many kinds of dreams. Some may have meaning, some not. There are many reports of precognitive dreams in which someone dreamed of certain events, such as the assasination of a president, or certain sets of numbers, such as lottery numbers...and all came to pass. Certain schools of psychology maintain that we work out many of our subconscious psychological issues in the dream state. Others feel that dreams must be interpreted to be meaningful and such interpretation is very subjective. I think dreams are to be enjoyed...something to do while you're just lying there asleep. What better way to spend the more boring time of your day. You are the best person to determine whether or not this had meaning for you. Maybe you will see this guy again soon, maybe you really wanted to get to know him better and your dreams allowed you to do so. Since you didn't seem to have that much interest in him at the time, maybe he or someone close to him will play an important part in your life later on. Since dreams are an incredibly inexact science, if you want to even call dream interpretation a science, I wouldn't spend too much time trying to figure out their meaning. Just enjoy them, talk about them, and use your waking hours to deal with the issues of the moment. Hopefully, sometime in the near future, you'll more fully understand what these dreams meant.


You're lucky. I mostly have nightmares...even when I'm awake. Dreams are often a call to someone for help either by prayer if you are of that belief or one soul reaching for another if you are of that belief.There are whimsickle dreams as you have been told but not usualy reoccuring. This person may need help or just a friend, it would be worth a meeting to tell him the dreams.

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Some people believe that dreams are a layer of your subconscious that cannot directly communnicate with you. One of the few opportunities that arises is when you dream. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something important.


But some dreams are just remnants of the trash inside your brain. Some of it are receptors that were firing most of the day, and are just trying to become unlocked. That's why people have nightmares about their jobs or their lovers.


I don't believe that when you have a dream it means anything important. Except when it repeats itself. That means that there is something bothering you, and you need to do something about it. Whether it is your subconscious, or leftover information running around in your head, it's there for a reason. Figure out why you can't get it out of your head. And do it soon.



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