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trying to figure out this woman

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this girl i am dating is very sweet but she just got out of a four year relationship, and she does not want her feeling thet she had for him to go in to me,(rebound). i respect her for that, but when i ask her to do something on a friday night it seems like she comes up with some reason why it would not work out , such as she gets off work to late. she just doesn't act like she is trying to make it possible .what does anyone think. iknow she is realy interested but she is also very confusing and i am trying to fugure out what she really want, if it be me or if it be time thet she might need to get used to the different life she has come upon.

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this girl i am dating is very sweet but she just got out of a four year relationship, and she does not want her feeling thet she had for him to go in to me,(rebound). i respect her for that, but when i ask her to do something on a friday night it seems like she comes up with some reason why it would not work out , such as she gets off work to late. she just doesn't act like she is trying to make it possible .what does anyone think. iknow she is realy interested but she is also very confusing and i am trying to fugure out what she really want, if it be me or if it be time thet she might need to get used to the different life she has come upon.

Give her your phone number and tell her you think you understand she needs time; and move on, don't expect a call, they go back more often than move on especialy if they got hurt.Ron

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Ron's advice is pretty good and pretty accurate.


This girl is going through a lot of pain and hurt right now. She just ended a four year relationship and it takes a lot of time to get over the pain and hurt of that.


You would serve your own personal needs better by backing off and seeing other people right now. As Ron said, leave her your number and let her know you understand what she is going through right now. When she get's to a point when she feels ready to date, she can give you a call.


And, as Ron said also, there's some chance of her getting back with her ex...at least to give it one last try. That seems to happen often.


Dating someone just out of a relationship is just a bad deal and usually a losing situation. I just don't understand why people do it. Back off and go find someone else for now. Why put yourself through all the rejection? This girl is simply not in the mood for going out right now.


Encourage her to work late Fridays...she probably needs the money.

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Actually, you are lucky, becaus some Rebounders fling themselves madly into a new relationship just to ease the pain of their last break-up. They can be more hurtful than a girl who lets you know how unready and non-commital she is up front. She still has too much emotional charge from her past relationship to give you the chance you deserve. Therefore, letting her come to you when she is ready would be a good choice on your part.

this girl i am dating is very sweet but she just got out of a four year relationship, and she does not want her feeling thet she had for him to go in to me,(rebound). i respect her for that, but when i ask her to do something on a friday night it seems like she comes up with some reason why it would not work out , such as she gets off work to late. she just doesn't act like she is trying to make it possible .what does anyone think. iknow she is realy interested but she is also very confusing and i am trying to fugure out what she really want, if it be me or if it be time thet she might need to get used to the different life she has come upon.
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