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Throughout this whole month of my breakup I felt better moving on. I still feel good that I don't have to argue but I realized how much I love my ex. I dont want to loose her. She broke up with me since she couldn't stand herself feeling that I was cheating in her. It may sound crazy but I've also had very happy moments with her that brought back the feeling of love that I had for her. It's almost as if time is reminding how happy we used to be. The only problem is that idk if I should text her. Would this bring back the same pattern? I've always came back to her, is it right for me to do it again? I chilled today with one of my good guy friends and he's cool with one of my exs friends. She said that my ex misses me. This has been on my mind all day! Should I ignore this? So confused, I really love this girl . We've been together for 2 years.

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Throughout this whole month of my breakup I felt better moving on. I still feel good that I don't have to argue but I realized how much I love my ex. I dont want to loose her. She broke up with me since she couldn't stand herself feeling that I was cheating in her. It may sound crazy but I've also had very happy moments with her that brought back the feeling of love that I had for her. It's almost as if time is reminding how happy we used to be. The only problem is that idk if I should text her. Would this bring back the same pattern? I've always came back to her, is it right for me to do it again? I chilled today with one of my good guy friends and he's cool with one of my exs friends. She said that my ex misses me. This has been on my mind all day! Should I ignore this? So confused, I really love this girl . We've been together for 2 years.


I'm having a deja vu....Is this a repost?

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