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Girl only wants to date every two weeks?

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Expecting someone to be honest about their life is not keeping tabs.


It is getting to know someone. Anyway, I'm not having sex with a guy as a 'prize'. It is about building intimacy.


I've never been able to develop intimacy with a multidater. They come across as sleezy and low-class to me. Same way that women who sleep around come across to alot of men.


If they are multidating, I assume they are multi-everything.


...but back to the OP's question... obviously, I agree with the others that she is dating others. Time to say bye-bye.

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She is dating several men at once, if you want to be exclusive with her you must ask her to "go steady". Is there something that is holding you back from asking her this? Not that I am accusing you of anything, but the key to any successful relationship is to be a good communicator and to solve problems efficiently.


Unless there is a very specialized situation that allows or disallows for this once every two weeks rule. WHen I first started dating when I was 15, my father was an absolute fire breathing dragon. He threatened and screamed and demanded, telling me that I could only go out twice a month because he didn't want to let go of me. Eventually Mom had to have a talk with him and say he was being unreasonable, and he reluctantly agreed. But that was a special situation.

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Expecting someone to be honest about their life is not keeping tabs.


It is getting to know someone. Anyway, I'm not having sex with a guy as a 'prize'. It is about building intimacy.


I've never been able to develop intimacy with a multidater. They come across as sleezy and low-class to me. Same way that women who sleep around come across to alot of men.


If they are multidating, I assume they are multi-everything.


...but back to the OP's question... obviously, I agree with the others that she is dating others. Time to say bye-bye.


Dating is largely about ego (not arrogance, just personal respect).

In many cases, mutli-daters will not give a man/person a chance. Especially OLD. Well, he was a good person but what about *click* (insert username)? Oh, he's a dud. Maybe I should have stuck with 'persevere'?


It's a fine line, sometimes, when to know to bolt or "up your game". A feeling. I have played it poorly, and correctly, I think.


Reschedule (on a Monday??), with no reason given. Then, erratic communication, etc. Sure, I realize women will date others, but when they start to intrude on my personal respect, feelings and hopes, it's time to move on. Why do they string one along in the first place? Many of them are either still "involved" with an ex, emotionally. Indecisive flakes, or just out for an ego fix.


Perhaps, at times, I've moved on too soon and not given them a chance. Or, more correctly, it was them not giving ME a chance, to even up my game? You go out on a first date, you are NOT yourself most of the time. You are just getting to know them. A long string of first dates and no one has time to break into their true self. Serial and multi-daters are no "prize", indeed.


But yes, OP is being played...

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It doesn't mean that you will win her over but dating, like it or not is a competition..


I did want to comment on the last line...


Most men are not going to be swung over by a woman 'upping her game'. It comes across as desperate. Women who think they can do this do all kinds of retarded things... they have sex too soon is the main one... because they are afraid of losing him to the 'competition'.


What I recommend for women is to pull back from male multidaters. Do a little mental post mortem, then figure out how to up their game for the next guy.


I agree with you that dating *is* a competition. One guy isn't. I will never 'compete' for a man. That's BS.

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I've never been able to develop intimacy with a multidater. They come across as sleezy and low-class to me. Same way that women who sleep around come across to alot of men.


You don't like the lack of control, comes through quite clearly, and you negatively categorize a majority of daters as a result. "Multi dating" is just a perjorative term for the "dating" norm today, and trying to impress your minority view of dating on the majority of totally normal, well-adjusted, honest people who date more than one person at a time is transparent. If you have had bad experiences with dating people who date more than one person at a time, that's just a bad streak of luck, not a function of dating more than one person at at time. Millions of daters, specifically a large majority of folks doing OLD, date more than one person at a time. If you expect exclusivity from the first date, that's your prerogative, but not normal dating practice in the U.S. today, and it's on you to find people who feel similarly, hopefully without slandering a majority of daters in the process.

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Dating is largely about ego (not arrogance, just personal respect).

In many cases, mutli-daters will not give a man/person a chance. Especially OLD. Well, he was a good person but what about *click* (insert username)? Oh, he's a dud. Maybe I should have stuck with 'persevere'?


It's a fine line, sometimes, when to know to bolt or "up your game". A feeling. I have played it poorly, and correctly, I think.


Reschedule (on a Monday??), with no reason given. Then, erratic communication, etc. Sure, I realize women will date others, but when they start to intrude on my personal respect, feelings and hopes, it's time to move on. Why do they string one along in the first place? Many of them are either still "involved" with an ex, emotionally. Indecisive flakes, or just out for an ego fix.


Perhaps, at times, I've moved on too soon and not given them a chance. Or, more correctly, it was them not giving ME a chance, to even up my game? You go out on a first date, you are NOT yourself most of the time. You are just getting to know them. A long string of first dates and no one has time to break into their true self. Serial and multi-daters are no "prize", indeed.


But yes, OP is being played...


OLD really did mess with my experience of 'dating'... and seriously damaged my impression of men in my area.


I'll never go back to that. I have too much respect for myself and frankly, to men, to do that again.


The OP is probably getting tired of us hi-jacking his thread though. :)

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Thanks guys, there's some great posts here.


To answer RedRobin's question,


I met her on the train and got her number after a fairly brief conversation. It actually took 2 or 3 weeks until we met up again because she kept being ''busy.''


My previous relationships have been through school, work or friends which is why I've had trouble figuring this girl out.


She is dating several other men and she needs time to get everybody on the schedule. She is making out with you and probably making out with the other men she dates. I give her credit for not sleeping with you as she could be sleeping with the other men. You don't want sloppy seconds or a recently used vagina.


The fundamental problem with multi daters is that they have to lie to make room for all the extra dates. She is playing you and a bunch of other men.


I believe multi daters are at risk of being cheaters when they are in a relationship.


Furthermore multi daters may have problems in connecting with you for a relationship because they are also trying to connect to other men. This sort of multitasking dilute your efforts when you date her. She may be kissing you and thinking about the guy she dated of f****ed the day before.


Stop calling her and find a girl that is truthful.


This definitely rings true. I've noticed she sometimes asks me questions I've answered on previous dates or tells me things about her life more than once. Nothing major just minor details, but enough for me to pick up on. I did wonder if it was because she was having trouble remembering what she's told different dates.


About her having trouble connecting, even though we talk, laugh and have good eye contact sometimes she does seem a little distant and I feel like I don't have her full attention. Like I said in my first post it's like she's holding something back, but then she'll suddenly become really intimate out of the blue which confuses me and makes it difficult for me to gauge her level of interest.


I've run into this quite a few times. Last minute "reschedules". 'Wanting' to see me, and doing so sporadically, but always an instinctual feeling I am playing second, or third fiddle to some other guys. Telling me "we'll see", when I try to set up a date.


I don't have time for this, especially if it lasts more than a few weeks. Neither do many men. At what point do they stop dating these other men? Ever? Plus, I am not a one man meal ticket. They want me to take them to lunch, but not dinner? No, go get your own food for your date that night with "whoever".


In the early stages of dating I don't necessarily mind her seeing other guys, circumstances could mean there are one or two other men in her life, but if she's dating multiple people AND still actively searching for more potential dates I'd feel disrespected and I wouldn't want anything to do with her. There has to be a line otherwise like you said it could go on forever with me being a safe option fallback guy while she tries to get with 'better' men. My problem is figuring out if this is the case or not.


She's not using me as a free lunch, although I pay for most of our dates we spilt bills if they're expensive and often take turns buying drinks. She told me she was in a long term relationship until December and is currently single, so I don't think she's a serial-multi dater as such, it could be that she's been playing the field since her relationship ended and has little intention of starting another one... that would contradict what she's told me but it could be the case.


She is dating several men at once, if you want to be exclusive with her you must ask her to "go steady". Is there something that is holding you back from asking her this? Not that I am accusing you of anything, but the key to any successful relationship is to be a good communicator and to solve problems efficiently.


What's stopping me is I don't feel we're at that level yet, like persevere said it's almost like going on a series of first dates due to the gaps between when we see each other.

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It's possible that one or more other men are in the same position as you are. They may get fed up and bail out, leaving you the "winner."


You could bail out yourself and tell her what you told us, that you feel you are having a series of first dates with no momentum. Make your (unbeknownst to her) last date fantastic, though. She may miss you and contact you in the future knowing you want more.

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Any possibility this woman is married or living with somebody? This every two weeks cycle sounds like she's seeing you on "girl's night out"

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You don't like the lack of control, comes through quite clearly, and you negatively categorize a majority of daters as a result. "Multi dating" is just a perjorative term for the "dating" norm today, and trying to impress your minority view of dating on the majority of totally normal, well-adjusted, honest people who date more than one person at a time is transparent. If you have had bad experiences with dating people who date more than one person at a time, that's just a bad streak of luck, not a function of dating more than one person at at time. Millions of daters, specifically a large majority of folks doing OLD, date more than one person at a time. If you expect exclusivity from the first date, that's your prerogative, but not normal dating practice in the U.S. today, and it's on you to find people who feel similarly, hopefully without slandering a majority of daters in the process.


I'm not slandering anyone. I'm telling you how multidaters come across to me.... and no, it is not a streak of bad luck. Multidating, IMHO, does nothing to build intimacy because it is based on lies and half-truths. It has to be in order for it to continue. The OP is sensing this. Others have experienced it as well.


I have no problem with people who multidate out in the open and honestly (polyandry)... but I've never met one yet. Mostly it is about telling lies of convenience and doing whatever it takes to keep as many people juggling as long as possible.


Anyway, if you feel slandered, that's your problem. I'd like to think my explanation might help some people understand why some have chosen to stop seeing them despite what appeared to be a promising start.


TBH, I think it is multidaters who fear losing control the most... hence their need to put their eggs in so many baskets simultaneously for fear of dropping one. The word 'exclusive' is kind of retarded anyway. One is single until they are married. If they are monogamous and want to date other people, they can break up and date others. No big deal. But I'm not hanging around while they tread water.


If they are dating multiple people, that makes them polygamous. Also not a big deal. Just call it what it is though, and be upfront about it.


... and I'm betting a 'majority' of daters are not multidaters. I suspect most people go on a couple of dates with different people and then pick one.

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I'm not slandering anyone. I'm telling you how multidaters come across to me.... and no, it is not a streak of bad luck. Multidating, IMHO, does nothing to build intimacy because it is based on lies and half-truths.


People are assumed to be dating others pre exclusivity today, and that has nothing to do with lies or half-truths. If you don't like that, find others who feel like you do and make your minority expectations clear from the start. That you are in a distinct minority, though, is a fact.


If people didn't settle on one person so quickly today including having sex way too early, and build unrealistic expectations of behavior from one or two dates, many if not most of the problems on this board would go "poof."

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People are assumed to be dating others pre exclusivity today, and that has nothing to do with lies or half-truths. If you don't like that, find others who feel like you do and make your minority expectations clear from the start. That you are in a distinct minority, though, is a fact.


If people didn't settle on one person so quickly today including having sex way too early, and build unrealistic expectations of behavior from one or two dates, many if not most of the problems on this board would go "poof."


sorry. I plan on doing whatever it takes to assess someone's character. That includes giving them as much rope as they need to hang themselves. Being honest about one's life and whereabouts from the beginning *IS* a test of character. I've got nothing to hide or keep from someone I'm trying to build trust with. Seems like the smart thing to do... if intimacy is actually what one is trying to build, and I am.


I shouldn't have to ask someone to be honest about what they do in their spare time. But hey, if that works for you, then fine. I mean, not caring what someone you are trying to build trust with does in their spare time.

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I shouldn't have to ask someone to be honest about what they do in their spare time. But hey, if that works for you, then fine. I mean, not caring what someone you are trying to build trust with does in their spare time.


I'm not trying to build trust on early dates, but have fun and meet someone new. Not trying to shoehorn them into an agenda before getting to know them, and appreciate the same basic respect. People's dating habits on early dates are none of your business unless -you- ask them and let them know you have expectations that differ from the norm. The only personal thing I want to know on an early date is if they are truly available to date and not involved or semi-involved in a relationship already, including FWBs.

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I'm not trying to build trust on early dates, but have fun and meet someone new. Not trying to shoehorn them into an agenda before getting to know them, and appreciate the same basic respect. People's dating habits on early dates are none of your business unless -you- ask them and let them know you have expectations that differ from the norm. The only personal thing I want to know on an early date is if they are truly available to date and not involved or semi-involved in a relationship already, including FWBs.


How is a FWB different than multidating? I mean, are you asking them how many fingers they insert short of intercourse, or what? What counts as a FWB? I mean, I can imagine that would be a great intro to get you sex talking someone on a first date... ;) Like I said... we have different goals, you and I.


I'm not shoehorning anyone into an agenda. If they aren't looking for a relationship... or they say they are but really are playing the field, I can assess this in a matter of weeks... if not sooner.


Most of the time I don't even need to ask. Their lack of consistency is a dead giveaway. Sure, the sociopaths are great liars. Everyone else is alot more transparent than they believe themselves to be. There is a part of me that rather enjoys watching them make up stories to cover their tracks. Sad though. That they think it isn't obvious. Oh well.


I don't have any problems with your approach, as long as the guy doesn't have any problems with me not having any romantic intentions towards him either. Since we aren't doing anything to build trust, ya know.

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I've noticed she sometimes asks me questions I've answered on previous dates or tells me things about her life more than once. Nothing major just minor details, but enough for me to pick up on. I did wonder if it was because she was having trouble remembering what she's told different dates.


When a woman is special I remember everything she has siad quite well. This means she is not highly interested or she is getting confused from multi dating.


About her having trouble connecting, even though we talk, laugh and have good eye contact sometimes she does seem a little distant and I feel like I don't have her full attention. Like I said in my first post it's like she's holding something back, but then she'll suddenly become really intimate out of the blue which confuses me and makes it difficult for me to gauge her level of interest.


Makes sense and suggests multi dating.



BTW, if she recently ended a LTR she may not be able to date effectively for at least a year.

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How is a FWB different than multidating?


A FWB is a type of established sexual relationship, a date is not. I expect that physical things can happen on dates, so it's OK if the woman sleeps with other men while dating me. If there was a FWB or other preexisting ex or whatever kind of quasi relationship in the picture making her not really available for dating though? and especially if I'm paying for the early dates? She's just a specific kind of whore. Yes, FWB is very different from dating.

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I think, she had a list of dates next week, and the day that was free, she gave to you. She is not serious about you..But you should date her unless she choose one for her...

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I'm stuck in a cycle with this girl I've been dating for about 3 months where she only wants to meet up once every two weeks. It's beginning to frustrate me because I want to get to know her and see if anything can develop but I sense the gaps between when we see each other are stopping anything from developing and I'm worried chemistry will fizzle out. We make out passionately on every date (but she stops anything further from happening) and she asks me a lot of personal questions about myself (relationship history, ambitions etc) and jokes about future plans together. I've considered that she could be stringing me along but her actions seem to contradict this.


All the signs are there that she wants to pursue a relationship with me but I get the sense she's holding back for some reason and sometimes she's flaky when replying to my texts, sometimes either taking a day to reply or not replying at all. Other times she instigates contact and is very quick to reply. The level of contact has been about 60/40 from my side.


On the last date she actually suggested somewhere for us to go on our next date but when I asked her when she was able to go she said ''in about two weeks'' even though earlier she'd told me she had the entire next week off work and didn't have any plans. When I said ''why are you busy or something?'' in a jokey way, she just laughed and didn't answer.


Because of these gaps I don't feel like our relationship is escalating and I don't want to be stuck seeing this girl twice a month, going out, kissing her then not seeing each other again for another fortnight. It's like being in Groundhog Day or something. I know she's dated other people since we met, but I'm pretty sure she isn't at the moment (although she goes out partying a lot with girlfriends).


My questions are what could her motivations be for acting this way? And how can I escape this cycle?


(btw we're both in our mid 20s)


Most women in their mid 20s are immature.


That said, after three months I don't see a problem with bringing this up with her.


I think in general people hold the way they feel for far too long. You should tell her exactly what you've told us. Direct and honest approach is good for any relationship (or potential one). Be respectful, and keep it in the context of "us". You want to see where things are going but 2 weeks is a long time between physical contact.


I don't know that she's multi-dating. Everyone seems to think she is. Some people are okay with just dating very informally.


If she just got out of a long-term relationship she is probably enjoying her new "freedom". Probably going out a lot with her girlfriends and you could be a re-bound, intermediate guy to boost her ego and satisfy her "guy" fix.

You could also be a guy she likes, but isn't in a hurry to get into another relationship. I feel like asking a lot about past relationships is kind of personal for a girl that flakes so much. I would only share information at the pace she is. She can't even tell you why she can't hang out and is off so much? Fine, that's her right, but I would keep information I give minimal too.


If you are going to keep this going I recommend keeping your expectations low. Three months is a long time for a woman to decide if she wants to invest in more regular dating.


I can tell you from personal experience if a girl likes you or is serious about you she will be excited when you offer plans to spend time with her and will make communication with you a priority.

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Heh, this multidating BS again.


It's simply a different approach to dating. I find it strange that people that do not multidate feel the need to insult people that do multidate. I think that speaks volumes.


Anyway, she's multidating. What you should do, is to also multidate. When she's not available, that's your opportunity go on a date with someone else. Then when it's time, pick the best out of the bunch. That's what she's doing, and I see nothing wrong with it. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. It's that simple.


However, multidating isn't for everyone. Instead of insulting and making ignorant remarks about people that choose not to follow the same dating philosophy as I do, instead I say... make sure you know what your dating philosophy is. Not multidating isn't wrong, it's simply another approach you may choose to follow. If you choose the non-multidating way, then you may want to give the ultimatum. Either became exclusive, or you bail out and find someone else. But you may not like the results.


For me, I would multidate, because then no one has to make a decision right now. Plus around here in the greater Los Angeles area, that's what people do.

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A FWB is a type of established sexual relationship, a date is not. I expect that physical things can happen on dates, so it's OK if the woman sleeps with other men while dating me. If there was a FWB or other preexisting ex or whatever kind of quasi relationship in the picture making her not really available for dating though? and especially if I'm paying for the early dates? She's just a specific kind of whore. Yes, FWB is very different from dating.


... and the rationalizations begin.


I find that some men's and some women's definition of what is an 'established sexual relationship' certainly differ.


Um... how many times does one have sex with another before it is considered a 'FWB'?? :lmao::lmao:


I find that lots of multi-daters are trying to make me their 'FWB' while dating/sleeping with other women... usually without my knowledge and while fudging the details. Some men call that 'dating'. :lmao::lmao:


Great gig if you can get it! I have more self-respect than that.

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For me, I would multidate, because then no one has to make a decision right now. Plus around here in the greater Los Angeles area, that's what people do.


By all means, let's follow LA's lead on how to conduct relationships...:rolleyes:

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I am a female in my mid 20's. I am the same as she is. Actually worse. I have a deep fear of commitment. I thought this was a man's problem but as men become more distrusting (not that you are) women are putting up blocks. You don't know her past but I am sure it's full of heartache. I have a tendency of dating men every few weeks and if I date a guy for longer I do the same as she. I string him a long. I'll tell you the reason I do it but it might not be hers altho I am pretty sure its close.


If I date a guy for a long time (which is extremely rare), especially a nice one I only see him occasionally. I do this because if he actually hold out for longer then I feel he is worthy. But no matter how many test I put him thru I never feel safe or sure. I am almost waiting for a grand gesture of some sort which I feel will never happen. In most cases it doesn't and the guy leaves which does not make me sad because I am expecting it.


My only advice would be to express how you really feel. Tell her what you want. Tell her how much you care with passion and conviction. Then tell her what she's doing will not be tolerated anymore and that if she wants to lose out on an amazing man who wants her then so be it. But if she doesn't give a little more you will no longer contact her. But mean it. Ignore her. When you do and if she comes back then embrace her with open arms. But make it clear that you will not stand for it. If she seems distant don't mention it don't text her. Ignore her. Ignore her until she really changes or until she ignores you for good. I know it sounds complicated but most girls like that just want someone to chase after them but we also want someone we cant control. She's had her fun now it's time to take control!

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Heh, this multidating BS again.


It's simply a different approach to dating. I find it strange that people that do not multidate feel the need to insult people that do multidate. I think that speaks volumes.


Anyway, she's multidating. What you should do, is to also multidate. When she's not available, that's your opportunity go on a date with someone else. Then when it's time, pick the best out of the bunch. That's what she's doing, and I see nothing wrong with it. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. It's that simple.


However, multidating isn't for everyone. Instead of insulting and making ignorant remarks about people that choose not to follow the same dating philosophy as I do, instead I say... make sure you know what your dating philosophy is. Not multidating isn't wrong, it's simply another approach you may choose to follow. If you choose the non-multidating way, then you may want to give the ultimatum. Either became exclusive, or you bail out and find someone else. But you may not like the results.


For me, I would multidate, because then no one has to make a decision right now. Plus around here in the greater Los Angeles area, that's what people do.


I agree, it smacks of elitism. Just because the .99% of the population that is on LS turns their nose at multi-dating doesn't mean that the rest of the single people out there aren't doing it.


I don't even like the term multi-dating. It's dating. period. Stop trying to put others down and act as if their 2nd class citizens because you think your way is the only way.

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Anyway, she's multidating. What you should do, is to also multidate. When she's not available, that's your opportunity go on a date with someone else. Then when it's time, pick the best out of the bunch.


OP, I'm going to reference the above in some questions to you... as it seems you are at a crossroads in determining what kind of dating style you prefer. I don't think it is wise to go along with multidating just because some others do it.


If you stay here long enough, I think you'll observe that most people's negative experiences with dating seem to come from what I call excessive multi-dating (ie multidating past a handful of early dates)... not dating one-by-one...


You need to make the best decision for yourself.


A few questions to ask yourself...


a) you are not happy with the progress and 'presence' this lady has offered. Is this the kind of appearance you want to leave with others?


b) do you like being used for dates and to fill up one's social calendar so that the other person feels like they have 'options'? Are you ok having someone you might really like have that impression of you?


c) If you follow the above advice, how will you really know you have gotten the 'best' of the bunch? This is something you will need to answer for yourself. I don't personally believe the best of the bunch is the last man or woman left standing... but that is just me.


Here is another option:


Take the advice of another poster and share your observations of her behavior and your thoughts/needs in terms of progression.


You could ask if she is seeing others in a non-judgemental way.


This could be a good opening to figure out what her relationship goals are.

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I agree, it smacks of elitism. Just because the .99% of the population that is on LS turns their nose at multi-dating doesn't mean that the rest of the single people out there aren't doing it.


I don't even like the term multi-dating. It's dating. period. Stop trying to put others down and act as if their 2nd class citizens because you think your way is the only way.


Hey, I get it.


F-ing multiple women or trying to is a great gig if you can get it! When men do it.. it is called 'dating'. :love:


If you are ok with women sleeping with multiple men while dating you, then it is good you don't have double standards. However, I sense that is not what is happening IRL.


IRL, I sense the guys are scoring with as many women as they can simultaneously... then dumping women who won't let them do it while they 'get to know them'... or calling women 'sluts' who engage in the same behavior.



It just occurred to me that the people who prefer multidating do not state looking for a committed relationship as their goal in dating.


This is probably the biggest disconnect, and probably why there is so much friction.


Rather than lambaste 'multidaters', I agree it is probably best to focus on dating goals rather than style. I find that, almost without exception, the people who are actively are looking and (maybe not surprisingly) relatively successful at finding and achieving LTR's do not make a habit of multidating. Or if they do, it is shortlived. Not past a handful of early dates.


Those who are not looking for a committed, exclusive, monogamous relationship or have commitment issues for whatever reason probably do find comfort and even enjoy dating lots of people simultaneously. Why wouldn't they?


Going forward, I plan to focus on people's goals... not style... because that is where the disconnect is. I resent the advice telling everyone to date casually as much as some others resent me telling others not to date casually. I suspect it is because we have different goals. That's all.

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