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my sisters are mean to me


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my sisters are always mean to me,i always feel left out!my lil sister knows i feel left out she dont like me talking to my older sisters!one of mi big sisters is 14 she knows i feel left out.sometimes she talks to me and sometimes she is always mean and ignores me!my real big sister is mean to me when my other sisters are around!!!!1;(:mad:i tell mi sisters how i feel but mi little sister wants mi 14-yr-old sister to herself,that's why when we talk she don't say a word because she tries to pull mi sisters away!:confused:she is nice to me when we are alone:o

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In my experience, this usually balances itself out when you're older. Find your own thing to pour your energies into so that you don't have to spend that much time with them.


By the way, you don't need to post in all bold text unless you are using bold to emphasise just a word or two here and there - it reads just fine without the bold.

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