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I have finally found someone that just feels right... but its not

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A few months ago i met this guy through my best friend who i found to be quite attractive. Im 21 and he is 20. I have always gone for the real dickheads and this guy was just different to the others. He doesnt care about his car, hes mature in some ways and soo respectful of me. Basically it started at his birthday when i happened to sleep with him. He started talking to me for a bit and that was it, we didn contact each other after that. Then about a month later i didnt think much of him and we went away for the weekend with a big group of people. He told my friend the first night he really wanted me but i was way too drunk. We kissed for a bit but that was as far as went and as i remember. The next day we spent ALL day just flirting and having fun and we did end up sleeping together again that night.



After that weekend he was texting me all the time and asked me out on a like.. a date or whatever you would call it. We went to dinner and a movie. After that he organised to have a BBQ at a lake. So i went over to his but it started pouring so we just stayed in and watch a movie. I DID NOT sleep with him. He didnt care, i tried to explain why i didnt want to and he just told me to shut up and i didnt need to explain myself.


He came over to my house the next night and we stayed up talking for hours and had a few drinks. He ended up staying the night and all we did was cuddle and sleep as i didnt want to sleep with him.


I didnt see him again till last night. He was texting me all week that we should hang out again. Supposed to catch up friday but i got a new phone and swapped companies and he apparently text me but i never recieved it, so when i asked the night before what we were doing he thought it was off. So we landed on Sat night instead to which he said 'sounds good to me, im just gunna check that i actually am free and ill get back to you' Didnt get back to me until 4 hrs later after which my friend had called to go to dinner so i said yes to her and bugger him(i wasnt going to wait for him) he finally said his uni mated had invited themselves over but he was trying to get out of it. I told him not to bother i had other plans.


So we caught up last night. I suggested something quiet and relaxed as we were both pretty wrecked so i went over to his. We watched a movie, then went for a drive to a lookout and talked. We went back to his and he ended up telling me that he doesnt have time for a relationship, not TOO me but mentioned it in conversation. He also said he doesnt think he is mature enough for a relationship(hes had a few short ones but thats it)... I think it is true as he does martial arts and kickboxing. He teaches twice a week and trains twice a week as well as university and work. He kind of hinted the same thing too me a few weeks ago but i wasnt sure. NOW i know and im glad he is so honest with me. We ended up just cuddling and talking for hrs and laughing, at times we were in stitches. He was stroking the side of my face. We basically just asked each other questions to get to know each other. He likes to talk to me A LOT about relationships, dating, worst date, worst kiss etc. It was great, i have never been so comfortable with someone before. Before we knew it, it was 4am and i had to go as i had work this morning. I still have not slept with him.


Now i dont know what to do. I have been hurt so many times in the past. My last man used me for about 9 months and made me believe it was going somewhere, to find out the whole time he was talking baout me behind my back, telling people i was his toy, using me and telling his mates how much of a fat ugly cow i am. I know i was an idiot myself and extremely naive. I have spent the last 9 months trying to get over that and now THIS. I told myself i would be strong and walk away if its not where i want it to go. This guy is just so different, we have so much fun together and im not sleeping with him and he still hangs around. We get on so well and it just feels so right...


Do i walk away and tell him so i can move on, because i am terrified i am only going to hurt myself, but i am also scared of losing him as a friend. I know what the right thing to do is but i just need a push in the right direction. Has anyone else been in a similar situation?

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