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Is cheating suddenly the norm?

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Seriously, I've had friends or relatives that either cheated or they got cheated on.

What on earth is happening? Have people lost integrity lately? If you don't like him/her anymore just leave or split up/divorce if you're married but don't cheat. That's low and pathetic.

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As far as I know, I've never been cheated on. Then again, my first ex moved on VERY quickly. It was either a total rebound or he was chatting her up before the break-up.

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It does seem pretty common these days. I will still never do it. If that makes me old fashioned and lame then so be it.

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I've seen it for nearly 40 years. IMO, in my current age group and social circle, it's less prevalent than when we were all younger. Most of the relevant data points are children and grandchildren.


I think it's more open and conspicuous now. Back in my days as a young man it was a pay phone and the no-tell motel. Then there were the streetwalkers, which is a completely different nuance of cheating.

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It's simple why it happens more now:


1) Like Shakespeare (and many intelligent people have said) said "Does Art (Literature/Movies/TV) reflect Society or does Society reflect Art (Literature/Movies/TV)


People are sheep. This is a fact. They are easily influenced even if subconsciously so. It's all over TV and movies that people cheat all the time. Impossible to tell which came first (chick and egg theory), TV made cheating prevalent so people started acting that way, or the reverse.


2) The same reason the housing bubble burst and everyone's credit is shot. IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION!!! Nobody wants to work or sacrifice anymore. Nobody wants to save up for the Plasma TV, they just want to use their credit card and get it. This is how people are in relationships. "My boyfriend/girlfriend was mean to me; so I am going to give in to this sexy person's advances at work."


3) People used to be a heck of a lot more religious. And 95% of ALL religions frown upon adultery...today, many people don't follow their respective religions teachings in spite of showing up for sermons whatever day they go to church.


4) Nobody has a conscience anymore. This is reflected at ALL levels of society. Rich people take take take and give nothing back. CEO's keep making more money and the average man gets nothing in return. Poor people keep milking the system and refusing to try and get jobs. Middle man/woman will lie cheat steal to just get barely ahead of where they are in spite of no chance of becoming rich. Just trying to pursue an unrealistic dream they will sell out co-workers and their own family (working 12 hour days not seeing their kids) all for the promise of one day becoming rich too. Only thing is, not enough room for 2 people at the top lol.


So combined, it's a lack of conviction, lack of conscience, wanting everything and wanting it NOW, and lack of morals and religion. Sex is a basic human instinct...the DESIRE to cheat has always been there for MOST people...the conviction, conscience, dedication to ideals, morals, etc. were the things that PREVENTED people from cheating. Without those key factors however, it's open season.

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Seriously, I've had friends or relatives that either cheated or they got cheated on.

What on earth is happening? Have people lost integrity lately? If you don't like him/her anymore just leave or split up/divorce if you're married but don't cheat. That's low and pathetic.


was wondering the same thing. marriage is a joke these days.

my cousins husband was telling me how he wants a devorce, just basically telling me things I didn't want to know. he says how he envies single people.

that's why I laugh at women who are married and think their life is perfect, little do know their weak minded husbands are hitting on younger girls. men are pathetic and weak minded.

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3) People used to be a heck of a lot more religious. And 95% of ALL religions frown upon adultery...today, many people don't follow their respective religions teachings in spite of showing up for sermons whatever day they go to church.

Religiosity is not exactly a good predictor of faithfulness. The complaint of morality decaying is as old as civilization itself.


Modern means of communication grant people more ways to find a quick fix. But they also make it a bit harder to hide cheating. That is all.

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