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What is your ideal physical type? (with pics)

Eternal Sunshine

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Mme. Chaucer


This thread just re-enforces my belief that men hold unrealistic expectations.


It should not. The purpose of this thread is to post a picture of your ideal physical type.


I think the first person who posted a "perfect" body without a head even was a woman.


they hold onto or seek out pictures of women who are their "ideal"


Because … that's what the thread is for!!


I would like to participate myself, only I don't have a "physical ideal." The way guys that I've found swoonworthy have looked has been wildly all over the map. I can see a "perfect" specimen and say, "wow, that's a perfect body" and feel absolutely no attraction. I can appreciate a perfect or beautiful body or face on a woman as well as a man.


What gets me is a type of energy that a person has; you might even call it an aura. I can sense this very quickly.

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SOmeone is doing reporting! Someone is a big baby. :)


This thread just re-enforces my belief that men hold unrealistic expectations. Not only do they hold unrealistic expectations, they hold onto or seek out pictures of women who are their "ideal" and really hold too tight to them. It's like the people here are more excited at their pictures then actually having a real person in their life.


I don't deny that a lot of men actually are like this but I'm not sure how this thread re-enforced your belief in that.

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Btw, I never merely dismissed your points. I provided rebuttals to everything youve brought to this thread. I just simply to ThaWholigans advice before but have come back to this thread to see you and DY still on the topic. So why shouldnt I contribute? Meh.


i just wanted to say I am glad that there are men who understand that there is a serious issue going on with the sexualization of young girls. Tragically, many men prey on young girls. :( I have some friends who were sexually abused when they were young, so I know what I'm talking about.


My looks are a lot younger than my age some of my interests as well. I don't think it's bad that I love pixie fairies and buy stuffed animals. However, that does not turn my husband on, and I'm glad. My young at heart (I'm 34) interests are based on my inner child, but that inner child is innocent and is not sexual, but rather curious and fun-loving.


When adult women pose for sexually charged pictures looking like little girls, they are doing so to sexually arouse men and to get paid. You are absolutely right that this in no way protects little girls, but rather reminds men of little girls. :(


Sadly, many little girls are being sexualized and dressed up like mini ladies, complete with tons of makeup, hair-dos, fake tans, and skimpy outfits. This I believe is worse than adult women posing like little girls to sexually arouse men. I believe that to be worse because the girls are only following the orders of the adults in their life, whereas the women are hopefully free to make their own choices.

Anyways, thanks again for taking a stand for girls. Hopefully people will realize the horrible sex industry that is going on that abuses children, and will do their part to rescue these children from sexual predators.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sexual predator of children reading this. If there is, please get help. Please stop sexually abusing children and please instead rescue children from abuse.


To anyone, if you know anyone who is sexually abusing children, whether in the USA or the Philippines or Thailand or Nepal or India or wherever, please take a stand and fight for the rights and the protection of these children. Sad to say, so many little lives have been robbed of their innocent and hurt for the pleasure of perverse men and women. :(

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I admit... ballet boys are my physical ideal. :) all that strength and sensitivity wrapped into one. I especially like their muscles aren't overly bulky and are well-balanced.


I posted a video awhile back of one of my favorite female dancers (wendy whalen). The guy dancing with her (Tyler Angle) is gorgeous. The way he dances with her is also amazing.



I've always been inspired by people who make the most of what they were born with... no matter what their 'type'. What bodies can do... versus what they look like.


The men I've loved have all been very different and unique, in body types and personality.

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Disenchantedly Yours
Mme. Chaucer

It should not. The purpose of this thread is to post a picture of your ideal physical type.


Wow is that what this thread is about? OMG, okay that changes everything I said.


You miss my point Mme. Chaucer. It seems that alot of people today are so hung up on their "ideal", that they miss out in real life. I also find that while some women do this, this is more of a thing with men. Men seem to stockpile women up on their hard-drives like they are more blow up doll then person. So much products today is all about the fantasy. Even Facebook presents a fantasy image because it's mostly all of the good people want to show and none of the bad. i think if more people stopped fantasizing about their ideal and put in the hard work to relate to real people, flaws and all, they would find themselves with more satisfying relationships. I see an issue with this thread that I think is reflected in our culture as well.



I think the first person who posted a "perfect" body without a head even was a woman.


I think she might have done that out of respect for the person, because posting pictures loosely of other people on forums they don't know is a bit questionable. Of course I could be wrong.


But I agree that some women do this kind of stuff as well. I jsut find this to be more of a thing men do. Then these guys wonder why they are single.



Because … that's what the thread is for!!


And I am pointing out what I think is a strange mentality regarding "ideals" in a thread that is made for it. Mission accomplished.

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Mme. Chaucer
Wow is that what this thread is about? OMG, okay that changes everything I said.


So, in the interests of the thread topic, how about posting a picture of YOUR physical ideal? Physical only.

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I don't have an ideal physical type, I'm more drawn to personality. Although very muscly physiques I can find off putting, just looks too macho for me and too much emphasis on working out, which isn't something that interests me.



OK, I am curious for people to post picture examples of someone that represents their ideal physical type.


I have posted one in my album. I know this guy in real life but his personality rules him out as a dating prospect.

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Disenchantedly Yours
So, in the interests of the thread topic, how about posting a picture of YOUR physical ideal? Physical only.


I don't have a physical ideal. I have been attracted to a wide range of men. I find it's more about their "energy" as well. Or "chemistry"..whatever you want to call it. I also think it's too easy to over idealize pictures and celebrities and giving a false sense of knowing what you want when I think it just fogs up things and expectations.

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Eternal Sunshine



I do get your point and agree for the most part. This thread is just for fun purposes. I am sure none of us are actually holding out for someone that looks exactly like our favorite celebrity. I value personality and emotional/intellectual compatibility over looks.


Back on topic:


Antonio Banderas :love:


Johny Depp :love: (I also like him for the weird/quirky vibe he gives off)

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Mme. Chaucer
I would like to participate myself, only I don't have a "physical ideal." The way guys that I've found swoonworthy have looked has been wildly all over the map. I can see a "perfect" specimen and say, "wow, that's a perfect body" and feel absolutely no attraction. I can appreciate a perfect or beautiful body or face on a woman as well as a man.


What gets me is a type of energy that a person has; you might even call it an aura. I can sense this very quickly.


Even though I posted a 'physical ideal' for me (ballet boys)... it is more about their dancing than their bodies.


Same here regarding men I've found 'swoonworthy'.... totally all over the map. And agree it has to do with the type of energy.


I've learned to slow down a bit myself, and appreciate the quieter, more subtle ones. In the past, failure to do that had more to do with my poor listening and observing skills than anything else. Se la vie. Live and learn :)

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SOmeone is doing reporting! Someone is a big baby. :)


This thread just re-enforces my belief that men hold unrealistic expectations. Not only do they hold unrealistic expectations, they hold onto or seek out pictures of women who are their "ideal" and really hold too tight to them. It's like the people here are more excited at their pictures then actually having a real person in their life.

And every women who posted here has realistic expectations?

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And every women who posted here has realistic expectations?


Dont mind DY it can be a post about kola bear and shell somehow equate it to Men having unrealistic expectations on women physically and how they dont know or care how to connect with women

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Back on topic:


Antonio Banderas :love:


Johny Depp :love: (I also like him for the weird/quirky vibe he gives off)


Two very good picks! :D


I've had a thing for Johnny Depp since 21 Jump Street. But this story seals the deal for me. There is nothing better than a great dad!

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I do get your point and agree for the most part. This thread is just for fun purposes. I am sure none of us are actually holding out for someone that looks exactly like our favorite celebrity. I value personality and emotional/intellectual compatibility over looks.


Back on topic:


Antonio Banderas :love:


Johny Depp :love: (I also like him for the weird/quirky vibe he gives off)


Agreed :)


By the way, my ideal physical type is standing with me in my avatar. :love::bunny:

he makes me breathless!!! <3

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I find these two guys attractive as well. I'm still trying to figure out what all these guys seem to have in common physically :bunny:




Second guy looks too feminine for my taste. First guy is spot on. The only thing they have in common is dark hair and light eyes.

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Second guy looks too feminine for my taste. First guy is spot on. The only thing they have in common is dark hair and light eyes.


Yeah the dark hair is definitely a preference of mines ;) I think I may have a preference for higher cheek bones as well :)

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Heart Of A Lion



But I can also appreciate the looks of women that are older than I am (30), some women become more elegant, graceful, classy and stylish at older age and hence become more beautiful in my eyes. So some women manage to look more beautiful at older age than when they were younger: http://rod.gs/ODm (Yulia Timosjenko, at age 51)


Elegance, grace and class. That's generally what I feel attracted to in a woman.

Edited by Heart Of A Lion
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