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what should i say

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well anyway i met my gf 6months ago we hit it off and just made it official last month and things have been going good she is going on break soon so ive been saveing up the money to see her but now i cant see her next month shes going to be busy with her parents.


anyway here is the problem since i cant see her next month i suggested that she come here she said that would work but now her mom does not want her to go she is 20yrs old and letting her mom run her life this has brought so many fears up in my head i really dont want to wait till july to see her its already so hard being away from her.....


i want to talk to her about it but i dont know what to say help

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If she's financially independent from her parents then you have a point. If she's not and is depending on them to pay for her schooling, lodging, and/or living expenses then like it or not she has an obligation to live by their rules.


If you don't want to put up with that, then you should date someone older who's out on their own.




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Yeah I've got to agree with TMichaels here. You need to both discuss the options available. Is she financially independent? Then it would lead you a step ahead. I would say, don't rush into things. Take it slow, even though I know you are very excited, think things through with her and discuss the situation to see what options are available and which one is the best to take, taking into consideration, the limitations from both sides of the relationship.

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Have to agree with the other comments...aside from that, if you are going to be able to see her in July, it's only one more month. LDRs can be like that; it's often unpredictable as to exactly when the next visit will be. Nailing down dates is important but schedules do change which requires each of you to be flexible and able to manage expectations.


Also, I've got some advice on posting for you. One word: Punctuation.

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