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Trying to figure her out...

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Not exactly sure where something like this goes, but here goes regardless:


A few things about the context. I met this girl at college and she seemed to enjoy being around me and hanging out. We're both residents in the same building (on campus) so we see a lot of each other. However, she's a first-year and I'm graduating in a few days (a different bear in itself). She lives about 2 hours away from where I live.


I have a hard time picking up signals from girls I like because I know the "hopefulness" can get away of what her actions actually mean. She's not intimate physically, but it's more of a playful type of contact (tickling, etc)...but I can't help feeling that she may be interested but hiding it because she's still getting over a recent relationship.


Oh, about her ex. They dated for about a month until he broke it off since he was moving away and couldn't handle a long-distance relationship. She actually told me that had they dated longer she might've ended up marrying him. This made me think a lot...she's still holding onto him and closing off potential relationships, or so it seems.


To add to it, I did reveal my feelings for her after I took her to the movies a couple weeks ago. I really felt a connection and went for it...but the feelings weren't mutual. I keep thinking that her still having strong feelings for her ex might be causing a barrier that I can't get through...but I'm not sure.


Okay, sure...I'll end up living ~2 hours away, but I'm really determined to make a LDR work if I get the chance to. I went to see her yesterday at her house to fix her laptop (I'm a bit of a techie heh) and hang out...her sister and a friend were there as well and we all got along great (yay mario kart!). She even told me her sister thought I was nice and stuff. I plan to see her again next week once I'm settled from graduation, and she seems to be on bored and wanting the same.


I guess the question is: what should I do? Should I continue this kind of friendship until she feels ready to potentially pursue a new relationship? I really do enjoy being with her and I don't feel like everything's one-way...I just think she's put a wall up that I just can't seem to get over...yet.

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