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Narcissistic Injury...what now?

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yes, but you're the only clever, decent and intelligent one to implement No Contact - aren't you....? :cool:


Thanks for packaging it up so nicely Tara! ;)





It's my only way of "winning" now.


I left him with some things to think about.


Now it's time to disappear.



(It's not going to be easy but it's the only way to make him suffer)

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fyi hes not going to suffer, or really even care for a long time


I know


He doesn't care now...


He might not care for a few months...


Or maybe even a few years but...


He will miss me.


And I will be his first ex to ever totally dismiss him.


That will be my victory

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Mme. Chaucer

Do you have any friends?

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Do you have any friends?



Is this is a real question? Ofcourse I do!


Only fellow narcissists are my real friends though, the rest are just acquaintences.

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And I will be his first ex to ever totally dismiss him.


That will be my victory


How is this a victory? In the end it will be a loss for you to choose that path.


I understand what its like to be this angry though

Edited by wilsonx
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Is this is a real question? Ofcourse I do!


Only fellow narcissists are my real friends though, the rest are just acquaintences.


Jeesh, your life is so messed up, I don't know where to start....


"Fellow Narcissists"?

So now you consider yourself to be a narcissist....



Narcissists don't have 'real' friends. A fellow narcissist isn't a friend, it's a yardstick. :rolleyes:


You have to stop focussing on your 'type' and making up these outrageous scenarios...


Have you actually sought an appointment with anyone yet?

Spoken to your doctor, sought a referral, rung a few therapists?


In other words, have you take control of your life yet?

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Jeesh, your life is so messed up, I don't know where to start....


"Fellow Narcissists"?

So now you consider yourself to be a narcissist....



Narcissists don't have 'real' friends. A fellow narcissist isn't a friend, it's a yardstick. :rolleyes:


You have to stop focussing on your 'type' and making up these outrageous scenarios...


Have you actually sought an appointment with anyone yet?

Spoken to your doctor, sought a referral, rung a few therapists?


In other words, have you take control of your life yet?


Not sure why you're assuming my "life is so messed up"?


I have a great life. Most people would kill to be in my shoes


Is there something wrong with me only allowing a very select few,who I actually admire, be my only friends?


I just had my heart broken by a person (diagnosed or undiagnosed)who has BPD.

This had been the most painful experience I've ever had.


Ofcourse I'm going to act a little nutty!


I did get a referral but I honestly don't think I need it.I may go-I may not.


I already know what I have to do.I have to give up on my ex & finish accomplishing my goals.I'll get there.

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I did get a referral but I honestly don't think I need it.I may go-I may not.

Please go and see the psychologist. The behaviours and motivations you are displaying on this thread are unhealthy, even if you feel you are wholly justified in doing what you do. Perhaps that is even part of the messed-upness. Does not make you a bad person or anything - just someone who may benefit from getting advice from a professional to recover from having been in a relationship with an abusive partner.

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How is this a victory? In the end it will be a loss for you to choose that path.


I understand what its like to be this angry though


I am angry but, it's not going to be my loss.


It will be my loss... if I keep wasting my precious time waiting for him to want me...


once I finally don't want him.


That's the only way he can "feel" love.

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Mme. Chaucer
Is this is a real question? Ofcourse I do!


Only fellow narcissists are my real friends though, the rest are just acquaintences.


You certainly bandy the word "narcissist" about willy nilly.


Narcissists don't have friends, and especially not other narcissists.


I asked you if you have any friends because from the way you present yourself here, you don't have anything to offer other people.


You are not a narcissist. You are just self absorbed. And way too handy with the psyche terms, which clearly you don't understand.


Maybe … grow up. And, yes, get a shrink.

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You certainly bandy the word "narcissist" about willy nilly.


Narcissists don't have friends, and especially not other narcissists.


I asked you if you have any friends because from the way you present yourself here, you don't have anything to offer other people.


You are not a narcissist. You are just self absorbed. And way too handy with the psyche terms, which clearly you don't understand.


Maybe … grow up. And, yes, get a shrink.



How do I not understand the psyche terms?


Narcissists have friends when it suits them.2 different narcisissts can get along just fine (Like a predominantly cerebral narc combined with a predominantly somatic narc)These 2 can be very helpful to each other.


I have tons to offer, to whoever I choose to offer it to.You can believe whatever you want about me bu,t people want to be friends with me all the time.


I completely understand psychology.My ex is stuck in adolescence, where he experienced emotional tramua. I have done my best to point it out to him.(I can get through to him more than anyone else in the world)



No harm done


I realize that I have emotional trauma too & I can choose to pay 100's of $1000's to hear what I already know, if I want to.


I just need to keep improving my life & becoming a better me everyday.



I don't think that's such a bad thing

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Mme. Chaucer


I completely understand psychology.My ex is stuck in adolescence, where he experienced emotional tramua. I have done my best to point it out to him.(I can get through to him more than anyone else in the world)


No, you don't. You demonstrate beautifully the old adage that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing." A very little knowledge.


I just need to keep improving my life & becoming a better me everyday.


Okay, sounds good. When do you start? That would include being accountable for reveling in childish and basically just stupid, bratty behavior, and stopping it. It's nothing to brag about, and being conceited and ignorant does not warrant a "diagnoses." If you can't stop it and it is interfering with your life, you probably need help. Or, you can just carry on with being a boring brat.


I would excuse your attitude if you were under 15 years old, but I think this is not the case.

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No, you don't. You demonstrate beautifully the old adage that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing." A very little knowledge.




Okay, sounds good. When do you start? That would include being accountable for reveling in childish and basically just stupid, bratty behavior, and stopping it. It's nothing to brag about, and being conceited and ignorant does not warrant a "diagnoses." If you can't stop it and it is interfering with your life, you probably need help. Or, you can just carry on with being a boring brat.


I would excuse your attitude if you were under 15 years old, but I think this is not the case.



I must have struck a chord with you about the porn thing?



I have enough knowledge to know that most "behavioral problems" people experience are due to their upbringing, or something traumatic along the way.Knowing all this helps me to realize it's not something I can change about someone else.I think I'm doing pretty damn good!


I am better person everyday.I don't want to brag anymore since, obviously some people are getting offended but-I've already accomplised huge goals in my short time on this earth & am on the path to reaching even bigger ones.I don't care to enclose all the details because it might compromise my anonymousness.

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Mme. Chaucer
I must have struck a chord with you about the porn thing?


Um … what??


You struck a chord with me for speaking with callow ignorance and absolute obliviousness to your own dearth of knowledge about what you were discussing, and for seeming to wallow in immature and lame behavior; wishing to elevate with a misappropriated title to some kind of "disorder."


Anyway, I wish you the best on your journey in life. I hope you gain some humility, maturity and wisdom along the way. You probably will, it seems to come with the territory of growing up.

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Um … what??


You struck a chord with me for speaking with callow ignorance and absolute obliviousness to your own dearth of knowledge about what you were discussing, and for seeming to wallow in immature and lame behavior; wishing to elevate with a misappropriated title to some kind of "disorder."


Anyway, I wish you the best on your journey in life. I hope you gain some humility, maturity and wisdom along the way. You probably will, it seems to come with the territory of growing up.


I'm still at a loss as to why you think I have no idea what I'm talking about here?


You have not proved me wrong once!!



The only childish things I have done, have been in regards to my ex.

He does the same thing to me.


No harm done.

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I'm still at a loss as to why you think I have no idea what I'm talking about here?


You have not proved me wrong once!!


The only childish things I have done, have been in regards to my ex.

He does the same thing to me.


No harm done.


No harm done?????


I've been following this thread but didn't want to 'feed' your attention seeking dsw31. I have to speak up now.


Every time you and your ex are in contact there is harm done - whether you both have personality disorders or not. You need help - maybe he does too, but that's nothing to do with you any more.


In my experience, limited though it is, any sufferer of BPD or NPD who is 'told' by someone else that they have a problem will either emphatically deny it, or be devastated by the news.


I can't comment on your ex but you appear to be delighted by your self-diagnosis. That is not the usual behaviour of a Narcissist.


Please get some psychological help before you destroy your own life and your exes.

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No harm done?????


I've been following this thread but didn't want to 'feed' your attention seeking dsw31. I have to speak up now.


Every time you and your ex are in contact there is harm done - whether you both have personality disorders or not. You need help - maybe he does too, but that's nothing to do with you any more.


In my experience, limited though it is, any sufferer of BPD or NPD who is 'told' by someone else that they have a problem will either emphatically deny it, or be devastated by the news.


I can't comment on your ex but you appear to be delighted by your self-diagnosis. That is not the usual behaviour of a Narcissist.


Please get some psychological help before you destroy your own life and your exes.


Well thanks for speaking up!


I couldn't care less if you responded, or not, to my thread.I am not seeking your attention.I am not just now, realizing I'm a narcissist & feeling "delighted".One of my very first threads explained that I'm an inverted narcissist.

(meaning I only crave attention & supply from other narcissists)


I honestly only value one person's opinion on this site & he knows who he is...

Thanks toots!


I am not out here doing any harm to any innocent people

(or harming anyone for that matter).


I don't go telling people in real life that I'm a narcissist because they would just try to bash me...as you guys are doing now.Sam Vaknin is a well known, self proclaimed narcissist.The only reason he talks about it is because it's bringing him fame & wealth & power.


If you're interested, he has a lot of Youtube videos & gives a pretty accurate description of what it's like to be a narcissist.He even explains what an inverted narcissist is & also has a video on female narcissists.(although every person is a different & not every behavior or emotion is going to be exactly the same)


My ex will be the first to admit that he is a narcissist.He slightly admitted having BPD.Trust me...It's not going to hurt him in any way.He works as a Psychotherapist.It will probably be another tool, in his toolbox, to get even more crafty.Just as my narcissism helps me to thrive in life.It's a defense mechanism that can really enrich your life, if you know how to use it.Just because something is labeled a disorder-doesn't necessarily make it a handicap.


Everything is a state of mind & if I want to be happy...I can be happy

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I honestly only value one person's opinion on this site & he knows who he is...

Thanks toots!


If you only value one person's opinion why not PM him instead of posting on a public forum? Just curious! :confused:

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Mme. Chaucer

So, OP - do you feel like you know things that you actually are sadly ignorant about because you are an "inverted narcissist"?


Have you and your cadre of narcissistic homies learned everything you know by watching YouTube and Dr Phil?

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So, OP - do you feel like you know things that you actually are sadly ignorant about because you are an "inverted narcissist"?


Have you and your cadre of narcissistic homies learned everything you know by watching YouTube and Dr Phil?



I wouldn't even dignity your stupidity if I wasn't curious...


Can you PLEASE disprove 1 thing I have said?




I know how people work. It's been an instinct all of my life.I don't have to learn from YouTube or Dr. Phil.


I just mentioned Sam Vaknin because, out of all the narcissist information that's available on the internet, he gives the most accurate description of it (because he is one)


A lot of what you read about narcissism is a myth making them out to be monsters.

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Here's my test...


Just got a picture message from my ex



He baked a version of my specialty (a desert) & wants to know if I want to try some of it



So yeah...I have not damaged him at all.



And I won't be responding either

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I honestly only value one person's opinion on this site & he knows who he is...

Thanks toots!

No, no... thank you.

I now know not to respond any more.


Everything is a state of mind & if I want to be happy...I can be happy


Well try making that choice, instead of goading and courting suffering...

but as I'm not 'toots' that probably is superfluous....

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I am wondering if you're using your ex as someone to project your own issues onto. You seem to enjoy pointing out his flaws to him, instead of focusing on your own problems.

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