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how do I get him to trust me again?

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For the first time, one of my guy friends called me when I was out with my boyfriend. He flipped out. My boyfriend later found out from some girl that I hugged one of my guy friends.

I had no intentions of hurting him and didn't see anything wrong with what I did. I've been completely faithful to him. Now, he feels uncomfortable and feels betrayed. I apologized and promised him that I will never hug a guy again. But he still treats me like I am on probation. How do I get him to trust me again?

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I think your bf has some big insecurity issues.

If he never told you before he was not confortable with you hugging male friends, how could you know he'd be hurt by it?

Also, if your friend was really just a friend, if your bf got upset when he called you on the phone he really overreacted.


Just explain your bf that you didn't know hugging male friends was not okay for him. You are not a mind reader and to most people hugging friends is acceptable.

One day have a talk about what is okay and not while in a relationship and make a list of deal breakers.

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