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to cindy, tony and nicky......."THANK YOU"


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really you all thank you so very much! i appreciate all the advice and kind words and incouragement and i will wear my badge of self-estteem from you tony, proudly! also,i found a place that offers free classes to those in need of help, like myself, and self-esteem is one that offer so i lucked out there!


wish me luck on my new journey! i need it! thanks again to all three of you, i really needed that up lift and i got it from three very caring people.....thanx! me...........

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really you all thank you so very much! i appreciate all the advice and kind words and incouragement and i will wear my badge of self-estteem from you tony, proudly! also,i found a place that offers free classes to those in need of help, like myself, and self-esteem is one that offer so i lucked out there! wish me luck on my new journey! i need it! thanks again to all three of you, i really needed that up lift and i got it from three very caring people.....thanx! me...........

I don't think you need us to wish you luck- you've got the right attitude!!!


Keep trying and you'll get where you want to in the end.


All the very best to you, it is nice to know that maybe I have helped in some way

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