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Scared her away

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I met an incredible lady that I work with and she agreed to have some drinks with me on several occassions. Considering my sensitivity of job and complete lack of experience or good experience regarding relationships, I got scared because I have not had an attraction like this in a long time, feels like never.


Anyway, so I felt like a creep to the point where she told me to stop saying it. I could never get to the point of expressing myself to her face to face, very close and obvious to her but could not do it. So I write her to tell her honestly that I was attracted to her and that scared the heck out of me. I needed to be professional and someone she can trust and can't put myself in certain situations.


Now, I regret that very much and feel like I am in jr high here. I don't even know if she even remotely felt the same way or not.


Things of course got weird and I am trying my best to stay away.


However, I so want to know if she felt the same way and see if there is a chance to start over.


Or do I just move on and let it be so as to not keep going in circles?


How do you think she might see the situation as it has played out?

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You didn't articulate what happened or what was said between you two very well. But it is always safe to ignore the other person. She might need some time to process what you wrote to her. Just wait for her to make the next contact or to show interest. It doesn't sound like you did anything horrible so you can probably relax about that.

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I think it is a great thing to openly express how someone makes you feel and how you feel about someone. That is a great thing in life.


But the tough part is not receiving the same feeling in return. It takes time to move on from that. Just be happy that you put yourself Out THere with this person and that you Gave It A Go. some people never express themselves.

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