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Do people think it's easier for a really good looking girl to get a guy (at least initially) than it is for an equally good looking guy to get the girl? I think so.


This may be the case more often with young people, but it seems to me that INITIALLY, this is really the case. My thought is that guys are less prone to look at a girl's personality and stuff, and INITIALLY, are overwhelmed by her physical attributes, and will give her a shot.


Agh!!!! Maybe I'm just thinking this 'cause I keep striking out! (LOL)


Is there some truth to this???

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Oh, and another little note, before I head out for the evening...


Tony writing a book, or persuing some avenue of that sort (writing a column, etc.) is not my suggestion...IT IS HIS OBLIGATION.


Tone, you are truly blessed, and have helped people on this site more than any of could probably imagine. Tone, think of all the trials you've had...now you're helping all these good people with those very same kinds of situations.


Don't get me wrong, I still think you're a clown (LOL) and will continue to bust your chops continually, just like to give credit where it's due.


Lastly, how long have you been posting here, and how did you stumble upon this site??





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YOU ASK: " Do people think it's easier for a really


good looking girl to get a guy (at least initially)


than it is for an equally good looking guy to


get the girl?"


There is no way to judge. Different people are attracted to different aspects of the opposite sex. I agree that men are probably far more obsessed with appearance than women.


In the bar setting, physical appearance is generally the only thing either sex can go by. Since the guy usually makes the first move, the very attractive girls will go first. As the night wears on and blood alcohol levels increase, everyone becomes more attractive proportionate to one's state of drunkenness. By closing time, almost all except the disgustingly, morbidly ugly should be paired up.


I really think this question is vague and almost unanswerable because the very plainest of guys is able to get almost any girl immediately if he is sharp and smart. In my younger days as a photographer, being very average looking, I was able to get almost any lady I chose just by asking if she would allow me to photograph her at some point in time. In a club, I would give my card and always get called. On the street, in a mall, in an office building or almost anywhere, I could pick the most beautiful girl and she was mine. Even when she was seeing someone, the friendship that was started because of the flattery of my request would spill into the future. It was amazing.


Many ladies are attracted to intelligence. Many, many ladies don't want much to do with the extraordinary good looking GQ guys because they feel they are often controlling, stuck on themselves, lack substances, etc. Many absolutely drop dead gorgeous females remain very lonely because guys assume they are taken or show their butts big time when they take them out. These gorgeous girls are just as human underneath and long for the same kind of treatment as others. Only the handful with very sick egos have a problem and they can be dealt with effectively by a man of any looks who can put them in their place.


Pullie, my advise to you is you have just got to work in some foolproof strategies into your lady hunting. One thing I can tell you for sure, no woman is attracted to a guy who drolls at them and stares below their neck while they are talking to them. You wouldn't be doing that, would you???

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Nah...Tone...I don't by any means foam at the mouth over anyone. I just make goog conversation, and stuff, I keep gettin' #'s and e-mail addresses, but they never seem to pan out.

Agh...it's only been about 2 mos. since I've been SERIOUSLY on the hunt, though.


And I think it's very funny how all of Tony's responses to me now include some reference to drunkenness, bars, blood alcohol levels, etc. Come on, Man...I only do it two nights ...three TOPS a week. Good jab, though, Pony...I mean Tony.

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