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Is my BF gay or just metro? confused BIG time!

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I have been dating this guy for a few months. He's always seemed like the perfect guy, but lately I have been getting some really wierd gay vibes that I didn't notice before and I am thinking this is why he is seeming too good to be true.


Here's what I have noticed:


- He is totally fine with the fact that I am a virgin, and doens't want to change that.

- He loves going shopping with me.

- His drink of choice is a strawberry daquiri.

- He don't do any "guy" things (sports, pool, darts, poker, etc)...he just likes to talk on the phone and go to the mall.

- He has a Donna Summers CD in his car.

- He gets manicures and pedicures.

- He always knows the celebrity gossip before I do!!!


There are other little things that make me think he is gay, but he also seems really into me. He's a great kisser and we have "fooled around", but not actually had sex, but he seemed to enjoy it. And he talks about girls being pretty and he tells me I am gorgeous and stuff, but I dunno.


Is he really gay, or is he just one of these new "metrosexuals"??? I just don't know here!!!

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A friend of mine was going out with a guy like this...ALL he would do is hug her...never kissed or anything...47, never been married, really into decorating, shopping, drinks cosmopolitans takes trips with his "best friend" who is a guy...? But, he used religion as a reason why he hadn't slept with a woman in 7 years...whatever.


I work with a guy like this too but he's married with three kids but he's so effeminate it's disturbing.


Come on...don't you want a "manly" man? :o

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hey...I'm metro...that dude's gay, hehe


really, I think it is simple. A metro guy just likes to take care of himself...a gay guy is into gay things. I'd go shopping with you but I wouldn't be the one to enthusiastically say so...I hate shopping for myself even. Strawberry daiqs? I don't know...I love those too, with no alcohol of course :p, I just like the strawberries. I don't do those guy things you mention, but I hate talking on the phone and rarely ever go to the mall. Donna Summers? Hell I don't know, that is most likely...definitely if it was liza minelli, lol. Don't know about the manicures and pedicures, but if he's into shoes, than yeah. And the gossip thing...yeah, I think that's a sign.


I'd be fine with the virgin thing though...if you were a virgin and we fell in love and got married...sure I'd wait it out. Need to visit ole ms. thumb and her four daughters though. Unless of course you were looking to lose it...than of course...hellz yeah :p



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Originally posted by LilyChild

Is he really gay, or is he just one of these new "metrosexuals"??? I just don't know here!!!


The only way you can find out for certain is not by asking us; It will be by asking your boyfriend.


Have you considered the fact that he may simply be bi-sexual, or just very effeminate? There are times that people have trouble "deciding" my sexuality, because of how I hold my cigarette, sit, talk, or anything else. I honestly would prefer that people simply ask me.


If I had the money I would be getting pampered like your boyfriend, but I don't. I settle for keeping an exercise routine, trying to look decent and keep well-groomed and such. Your boyfriend has every right to listen to Donna Summers if he wants to, drink whatever he wants to, and be into any topics of discussion that he wants to.


If you really want to know, you really have to ask him.

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Originally posted by dudesomewhere

really, I think it is simple. A metro guy just likes to take care of himself...a gay guy is into gay things.

I think you're wrong.


It's not that a gay guy is into gay things, it's that a gay guy likes sex with men.

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lol, that too...but I have to think of the one guy I knew who had a gf...he was in denial...until one day of course. So you know, he could be a virgin to gay sex ;)

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I'm a bit older.... and


1. I don't mind shopping -- with a purpose

2. I don't care for strawberry daquris, but a Gimlet is nice on a hot evening.

3. I get maincures and pedicures.

4. My house is neat and orderly and well decorated and I did it myself.

5. I do the occasional "guy" thing (whatever that means) and so do many of my women friends. But I care nothing for sports excect for a way to pass the time. Sports freaks are people who can't find anything better to do. I hava a lot of "manly" friends who feel the same way. We discuss literature and philosophy, not watch football.

6. Donna Summers is so retro! And my gay friend sitting here reading this, thinks this observation is a hoot.

7. Knowing about celebrity gossip only means he has no imagination.


You know what? I'm not gay, and I'm certainly not a metrosexual. This metrosexual BS is just Madison Avenue's way of hualing in the suckers. Men can have a sense of style and not need a handle that lets everyone else know he's cool.


It this guy is nice and really into you, isn't that enough? Or would you rather he be a fake, macho s***head like everyone else and treat you like a slut?

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  • 1 year later...

i really need help. i have this bf and hes 17. im 17 as well. I was his 1st but he wasnt my 1st.... we have sex all the time. everything was going well in the begining of our relationship but now im confused...he broke up with me a while back like 4 months ago because i wouldnt let him have his freedom witch i can understand that and while we were broken up i called my gay friend that i grew up with and he is 31. he told me that he thinks my bf is gay and i dont understand why he thinks that b/c my bf dont do anything that seems like he is gay. I ignored what my gay friend said and moved on, me and my bf got back together and now i have been giving him space and letting him hang out with his friends and i was ok with that... recently he started hanging out with his dude name scotty. scotty is 19. from what i hear he is a man whore. Nick (my bf) comes home one day and says that scotty asked him to move in with him when he turns 18. and i wasnt ok with that b/c theres something i dont like about scotty. Im 6 months older than nick so ill be 18 b4 he will and i asked him why he dont just want to move in with me and he said b/c he wants to wait untill we are married. so i understood that then last night he went out with scotty again. everytime they go out they do the same thing. They go to the mall and just walk around and then go out to a fancy restruant thats a steakhouse and scotty pays. Me and nick have never went out on a date like that. Nick has never paid for me either to go somewhere out to eat. mine and nicks 1 yr anniversary is next sunday on the 18th and he told me we are going to do something special but it will be alittle after our anniversary b/c he is trying to make up some money so he can do that. I think there is something going on b/c why would a 19 yr old hang out with a 17 year old and take him out to eat every time and pay for it? scotty gave nick a cd that his gf burned for him that has gay music on it. like soft rock thats old. thats what my gay friend listens too. there is only two good songs that i like on that cd. nick said that he likes that cd b/c of the two good songs that are on it but he listens to the gay ones too. he never listened to that kind of music untill he started hanging out with scotty. when i tell him i dont like those songs he gets mad at me. he listens to that cd all the time and i hate it! he wont listen to anything else! I told my dad about it and he also thinks he is gay(nick). my dad has a gay son so he knows all about gay ppl. Nick swears up and down that its not like that and lastnight i was crying and my dad told me if nick really loved me like he says he does he would choose me over his friend scotty and i asked nick if he would choose me over scotty and he said no he choose scotty. Then later own he called me and said he just said that b/c he was mad and now hes saying that he wouldnt choose anyone over anybody. he use to say we are going to get married but now he says he dont know. To me guys come and go but your gf is your future and they dont come and go. Nick thinks differently. Please help me i dont want to spend the rest of my life wondering if he is gay!

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I think your bf has some feelings for scotty. I mean he likes spending time with him more and more.....I would say I am not sure he is Gay but if scotty IS gay then scotty could be paying for things to impress Nick ( your bf ) and maybe scotty wants Nick in a sexual way.


I guess there is not alot you can do about this. If he just wants to be close to scotty and be a close friend then you cant get in the way of that. You will lose.


If Nick wants to get close to scotty because he is gay-curious then there is not alot you can do to supress that either. If he has gay tendancies , then he will eventually act them out with someone , if not scotty...


If he is Gay its because he always felt that somewhere in the back of his mind and given his maturity and sexual level , he may have arrived at that moment of where he needs to find out.

Once again , not alot you can do.


I think he is branching out and wanting his freedom. Not alot you can do about that either.


Why dont you just ask him like this : " Hey Nick , It seems you have gotten quite close to scotty , so I was wondering if you have some special feelings for him. If you do, then I have a right to know , as we are in a relationship "


If he says he wants scotty to make mad passionate love to him, well then you have your answer. :)

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