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Worrying about your partner cheating when you have no reason to be

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Help! I've been with my girlfriend for 10 months now. I love her so much, yet have this weird obbsession about her cheating. Its to the point where I'm missing out on clear headed fun because of it. I read about infiedlity amd learned as much as possible etc. I get pissed off when I see people in 2 or more relationships at once. I talked to my girl about it, and we are both paranid if one would cheat. We trust each other, eyt neither of us could handle one of us cheating. Now Im working soon, and shes going to have the house to her self and there goes my wandering mind again...worrying if she were to bring anyone over for some etc. My mind always goes to these things, and read s about cheating etc. Does anyone else have this problem? How can it stop? It seems the whole world is cheating and its making me sick! I am so ot cool with any one doing such a thing to another...I think its the worst sin and its really that your cheating your self if you do it.

I've learned the following

~ If you give your lover affection, attention, appreciation they wont go walking around love hungry

~worrying about cheating hurts

~alot of people are doing it, alot are not

~ It will confuse the heck out of you and keep you off balance having sex with two people at once

etc, etc.....Love is so special and I don't see how someone can hurt another so bad by doing this. I get paranois over the smallest things. My girl has a perfect body yet I told her that body type isn't that important its more her than her body to me...now Im worried that she thinks I don't appreciate her beauty when I really do...I've cleared that up with her, yet the paranoia is there.....I guess it keeps me on my toes.

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Originally posted by health

Help! I've been with my girlfriend for 10 months now. I love her so much, yet have this weird obbsession about her cheating. Its to the point where I'm missing out on clear headed fun because of it. I read about infiedlity amd learned as much as possible etc. I get pissed off when I see people in 2 or more relationships at once. I talked to my girl about it, and we are both paranid if one would cheat. We trust each other, eyt neither of us could handle one of us cheating. Now Im working soon, and shes going to have the house to her self and there goes my wandering mind again...worrying if she were to bring anyone over for some etc. My mind always goes to these things, and read s about cheating etc. Does anyone else have this problem? How can it stop? It seems the whole world is cheating and its making me sick! I am so ot cool with any one doing such a thing to another...I think its the worst sin and its really that your cheating your self if you do it.

I've learned the following

~ If you give your lover affection, attention, appreciation they wont go walking around love hungry

~worrying about cheating hurts

~alot of people are doing it, alot are not

~ It will confuse the heck out of you and keep you off balance having sex with two people at once

etc, etc.....Love is so special and I don't see how someone can hurt another so bad by doing this. I get paranois over the smallest things. My girl has a perfect body yet I told her that body type isn't that important its more her than her body to me...now Im worried that she thinks I don't appreciate her beauty when I really do...I've cleared that up with her, yet the paranoia is there.....I guess it keeps me on my toes.


This kind of wondering and worrying to your girlfriend could drive her to cheat. You need to be careful. If you worry about that, I would recommend you keep it to yourself and just pay attention to all details of your relationship. That way, if it happens, you are going to know right away. I never had any suspicions or anything of my ex because I would have never thought she would do that to me. And needless to say, I am still left in shock.

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Yeah, I hardly bug her about that. I try to keep it to myself. What happened in your case? Your ex cheated? Is that why you dumped her? I hope everything gos well with you and yours.

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Health, I have the same problem. I have no actual suspicions that my boyfriend will cheat on me, I trust him on that note. However, like you, my mind wanders too much. They are all negative, like what does he think of (girl's name), does he like her better? and then my mind wanders more and I think he probably does like her more, she's hotter and more fun to hang out with, and it depresses the hell out of me. I know I should'nt think like this and just enjoy the time I spend with him instead of worrying about what he is thinking about other girls. I just can't seem to stop this kind of thinking. He knows I get jealous a lot and is patient with me, and I love him for it. That's why I want to be able to stop being paraniod and just RELAX...Ever since I started dating, I feel more insecure than I ever have and I cry more because of all this bad thinking. Is love actually worth all this emotional mess? :'(

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Yes, I believe love is worth all this emotional mess. I too have grown very insecure since dating. Yet its making me stronger and I'm healing. I decided not to worry about it anymore untill I have a solid reason. Its cool, just shes paranoid about it as well, so were trying to grow stronger together. Good luck with yours, I wish you the best.

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