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Ghosts, Angels, Past Lives, etc

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Hey Zed. Thanks for your comments. :) Yeah I've had some really crazy experiences with my intuition. You know, I don't believe in "psychics" because I went to see one in my city who has her own center for a reading and guess what...she totally made stuff up about me!! I was so mad I had wasted my money because I had considered finding classes like you suggested, to develop my intuition which seems to work great when I read other people, but not so great when I try to read myself (prob. b/c I don't trust this ability).


My father was extremely intuitive too and my sister is as well. I think it could be we have really overdeveloped pituitary glands or something that makes us really sensitive and able to intuit stuff.


Like, when I went to England as an undergrad for a winter break trip with a group of students, I accidentally outed this fellow student while we were all at a pub discussing palm readings and psychics and stuff because a fair had been going on at the time in the city where we were. So as a joke (I thought) I grabbed this gal's hand, and I don't know how to palm read, but I grabbed her hand and all of the sudden saw her making out with a woman on a couch in a basement. So I blurted this out, half-pissed you know, and everyone thought I was joking except for the girl. Her face turned red, her eyes welled up and she lept out of her seat and ran to the bathroom. I ran after her and apologized and she said, "No, that's not it. How did you know I made out with my roommate? You don't even know me? I am only 19 and just realized that I"m gay but haven't told anyone yet." So I felt horrible and took the time to really get to know her and we became friends.


Sometimes it's like an on/off switch and half the time i don't know if it's a prediction or something else. Sorry to blather on. I don't really talk about it in my life offline. People do comment when they meet me that I seem really tuned in. But I definitely do not identify with those hack psychics who charge people money and scam them with fake cold readings.


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this. Most storefront psychics are frauds and of course you are not like them--it appears you are genuinely gifted. They are good at reading body language and dealing in vague inferences that sometimes hit the mark. And since a lot of their customers want to believe, the mark ends up giving them more information to fuel their "readings."


Gifts like this usually run in the family in some form. You may have even been born with the caul, although not having one at birth does not mean you don't have high intuition. You certainly have the ability--and from this anecdote, you are obviously clairvoyant. Of course if you don't discipline it, it can come when it feels like it. But I still think you can train yourself so that it can become a more frequently occuring variable. Truly remarkable.

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You can take classes in psychic development. Everyone has it to one degree or another. Men call it "going with my gut" as if it makes it somehow different from being psychic. Same thing.


Children under the age of five are very psychic because they haven't been told it's wrong. It goes beyond imaginary friends. My friend's daughter says she talks with "the nice old man." It's her dead grandfather whom she's never met. She pointed him out in a picture. My little sister gave my mother directions when she got lost in a place neither of them had ever been. She said she remembered when "I went there on a picnic with my other family."


I've had too many psychic experiences in my life to mention. It's just life.

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I believe paranormal stuff exists, I think we just haven't figured out what it is scientifically. It simply happens far too often to be discounted as crazy people or imagining things.


I'm not religious either.

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Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this. Most storefront psychics are frauds and of course you are not like them--it appears you are genuinely gifted. They are good at reading body language and dealing in vague inferences that sometimes hit the mark. And since a lot of their customers want to believe, the mark ends up giving them more information to fuel their "readings."


Well I was hesitant to post anything because I'm such a skeptic myself but those experiences I posted about did happen and I have no real explanation for why.


That psychic I went to see has her own center which offers classes and I went to see her hoping to find real answers. Instead, she did exactly what you described, fishing for information from me then building lies on top of the vague answers I gave her. She even tried to tell me how I felt, what my exact thoughts were which is impossible because no one can do that. Plus I believe that most hack psychics get their psychic powers from Google search on the internet, you know?


Gifts like this usually run in the family in some form. You may have even been born with the caul, although not having one at birth does not mean you don't have high intuition. You certainly have the ability--and from this anecdote, you are obviously clairvoyant. Of course if you don't discipline it, it can come when it feels like it. But I still think you can train yourself so that it can become a more frequently occuring variable. Truly remarkable.


I had to Google "caul" to see that it's a partial membrane that covers a new born baby's head. I can tell you that I was born without the corpus callosum which an MRI of my brain revealed the day of my bike accident/brain injury. So maybe that's the explanation for my over-developed intution right there because supposedly people born without this thick connective tissue develop subsidiary tissue that bridges both brain hemispheres. But it could also explain some of my social awkwardness I've had my entire life with people although I like to be social and have fun. Yeah, too bad I can't use this ability on myself eh? Then I wouldn't have made the colossal mistakes I've made in my life. I think the only training I can do is to build up my confidence again and trust my gut rather than let self-doubt take over. You know? Thanks for your comments Zed, and taking an interest in the experiences I posted about. Was good for me to talk about them.

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You can take classes in psychic development. Everyone has it to one degree or another. Men call it "going with my gut" as if it makes it somehow different from being psychic. Same thing.


Children under the age of five are very psychic because they haven't been told it's wrong. It goes beyond imaginary friends. My friend's daughter says she talks with "the nice old man." It's her dead grandfather whom she's never met. She pointed him out in a picture. My little sister gave my mother directions when she got lost in a place neither of them had ever been. She said she remembered when "I went there on a picnic with my other family."


I've had too many psychic experiences in my life to mention. It's just life.


I can't fathom taking classes from fake psychics. That's something I refuse to do. I just can't justify giving money to someone who is a total scam artist. I would love to bust up a psychic fair - all the people who attend those are just easy targets for fake psychics. Maybe I"ll start an anti-psychic thread in OTT.


That is awesome that you are deeply intuitive. Would you feel comfortable sharing any of your experiences here? I'd love to read about a few of them if that wouldn't bother you.


I believe our intuition is part of our physiology and doesn't come from the church or religion. It's just part of being a human being and like you said, children are strongly intuitive but their self-confidence and abilities are squashed by cynical adults which I think is a terrible thing to do.

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have to say, I'm reminded of a quotation from the TV programme 'House' where our eponymous hero states,


"If you say you talk to god they think you're religious.

If you say god talks to you, they think you're psychotic."

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have to say, I'm reminded of a quotation from the TV programme 'House' where our eponymous hero states,


"If you say you talk to god they think you're religious.

If you say god talks to you, they think you're psychotic."


The first quote is the reason I stopped going to church. Priests who claim that god talks through them are just as fake as psychics who claim the same thing.


And the second quote makes me think of all those ultra religious zealots who either claim to speak to god, or that god speaks through them.


Neuroscientists can explain the scientific facts about intuition and its purpose better than any fake psychic or religious person. Basically intuition from my understanding is when cognitive abilities combine with our physical senses. There's a lot of scientific research about what intuition is and how it works that I find really fascinating. Reminds me of those personality type tests where some people are more intuitive, or have better judgement, or feeling, sensing, introverted, extroverted. I believe personality type has a lot to do with how intuitive a person is.

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See, I KNEW you were going to say that.....

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See, I KNEW you were going to say that.....


LOL. Can you tell me what the answers are to my college algebra test please, oh psychic one?

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LOL. Can you tell me what the answers are to my college algebra test please, oh psychic one?

42. Always 42.

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42. Always 42.


OMG THANK YOOOOOOOOOUUUUUU d'Arthez! Now I know I'll get my teaching license. :lmao:


Edit: Doh. That's a reference to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I wonder if there are any more math answers hidden in that book.

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  • 2 months later...

Much of the ghost, spirit, and past lives stuff is just partial truth that got changed around a bit.


If you want to know, however, where the bulk of truth on these subjects lies, research the UFO phenomenon. I don't mean X-Files or Hollywood or little green men. I'm talking about the real evidence which is virtually unspoken about on TV or media. This is where you will find a pandora's box of things you had no idea were going on. Always...always...always use the Bible as your guide, though. These subjects have a tendency to lead to cult practices. But if you're studying them just to have an awareness of what's going on, you're good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember when my aunt passed away , I was getting high with a few friends when I looked out of the window and saw this really bright ray of light in the sky ... I thought it was wierd and did not think much of it but when I got home i was told the news and I was so upset.


We were staying at her home and were about to go to her funeral , I was outside when I saw a figure in the end of the road wearing something white... I thought it was just my imagination but when I went to view her body she was wearing a white dress. I wasn't creeped out but I wasn't sure what to think at that time.


Soooo I do believe there is more then our physical bodies, Our bodies are just shells and our "spirit" or energy is what makes us. Im no way religious either but I'm into eastern philosophies and am spiritual. I believe there is more then our life here on earth but its hard to explain ... I feel like our dreams partially let us experience another ream and another state of consciousness

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So where in the bible does it say God created beings on other planets. It has a pretty detailed account of making man. Where is the story of these other beings he created.


Other planets? I've never said beings live on other planets. If they do exist, they are most likely hyperdimesional.


But if you want some biblical references, here is something to get you started. In Job 38:4-7 God speaks to Job saying, "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?...when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"


Additionally, we have Job 1:6 which says, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them."


Note: "sons of God" is a biblical phrase that always means angels in the Old Testament. Even extra-biblical writings use the phrase "sons of God" to mean angels. Some modern translations of the Bible even replace the phrase entirely with just angels so as to avoid confusion.


So in this verse we have clear reference to other beings who were in existence before God even created the earth. It is my contention that these angels (or sons of God) have been mistaken for all different kinds of space beings, extraterrestrials, sun gods, etc, from ancient times all the way to modern times in the form of UFOs/ETs.

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I think thats the part that christianity took from Greek and Roman mythology and other relgions or scriptures, but didnt get it right. The thing is the bible does have stories of what seems to be alien life. Im a big fan of the show Ancient aliens myself, but it never gives a story along side when man was created to justify any of it. Why would there be so much deatail of creating man and none of creating other beings?


The book of Job could not have been "influenced" by Greek or Roman mythology since Job is the oldest book in the Bible, written ~1900 BC.


As for the Bible giving all attention to man's story (and not angels'), I think it's because the Bible is mostly about man's situation with God. We truthfully know very little about biblical angels--but still a lot more than most people are aware of. My first eye opener was when I read the story about how an angel of the Lord sat down and ATE BREAD with Abraham. I was like, What the hell??? I had to throw out everything I previously knew about angels.

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I will be back with more exact dates, but Greek Mythology is older than even the OT, its obviously older than the NT, but alot of religions are. Ploytheism itself is alot older than Monothieism.


Trivia: do you know what the single most common mythological story is across all continents and cultures in the ancient world? Hint: it's not the flood story.

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Feelin Frisky

There is nothing "out there" to be concerned about (I mean in the way of ghosts or poltergeists or just weird unexplained stuff). I've been scared at times by things that seem to imply some kind of super-nature but the way I look at it is that in every case there seems to be some sort of sense that there is a spirit that wants to play games with your psyche. I fundamentally don't think I'm that important for something to come and toy with me. This is an important component and "belief"--it is "ego-centric" and "anthropocentric" which see the individual human as the center of the universe or th reason why everything else exists. If you go around either consciously or unconsciously thinking that way, you let components of classical delusional thinking and mental illness get a toe hold on your mind. You have to expand your mind and try to encompass the universe you live in. You have to accept the proportions that you don't matter to the universe--that there are absolute constants that are not suspended periodically for intervention by these phantom constructs. Mankind was almost wiped out by the last super-volcano eruption about 75,000 years. But if that happened, the earth, the cosmos would continue on just as it did for the billions of years before our star was born.


Whatever happens in a moment that throws you a curve, you can go one of two ways--into terror where the whole catalogue of human folklore can come alive to reduce you to a quivering weeny, or, your connection with truth and reality tells you that whatever it is it's inside nature and nothing to be afraid of (whatever it is it doesn't instantly validate every other superstition people have entertained since civilization began. We couldn't progress if we had these kind of "visitations" and suspensions of natural laws. People would be on their knees doing rituals 24/7 instead of building their futures and those of their children. I have never been challenged by anything in my half-century plus to give me cause to wonder about the soundness of my perceptions--and I've done a lot of hallucinogenic drugs ad experienced sleep deprivation that gave me visual and auditory hallucinations. I understand what my mind can do and how real these figments can seem, but they come from me and are not "out there" real on their own screwing with me. That is the line where mental illness gets into your head if you let it.

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There is nothing "out there" to be concerned about (I mean in the way of ghosts or poltergeists or just weird unexplained stuff). I've been scared at times by things that seem to imply some kind of super-nature but the way I look at it is that in every case there seems to be some sort of sense that there is a spirit that wants to play games with your psyche. I fundamentally don't think I'm that important for something to come and toy with me. This is an important component and "belief"--it is "ego-centric" and "anthropocentric" which see the individual human as the center of the universe or th reason why everything else exists. If you go around either consciously or unconsciously thinking that way, you let components of classical delusional thinking and mental illness get a toe hold on your mind. You have to expand your mind and try to encompass the universe you live in. You have to accept the proportions that you don't matter to the universe--that there are absolute constants that are not suspended periodically for intervention by these phantom constructs. Mankind was almost wiped out by the last super-volcano eruption about 75,000 years. But if that happened, the earth, the cosmos would continue on just as it did for the billions of years before our star was born.


Whatever happens in a moment that throws you a curve, you can go one of two ways--into terror where the whole catalogue of human folklore can come alive to reduce you to a quivering weeny, or, your connection with truth and reality tells you that whatever it is it's inside nature and nothing to be afraid of (whatever it is it doesn't instantly validate every other superstition people have entertained since civilization began. We couldn't progress if we had these kind of "visitations" and suspensions of natural laws. People would be on their knees doing rituals 24/7 instead of building their futures and those of their children. I have never been challenged by anything in my half-century plus to give me cause to wonder about the soundness of my perceptions--and I've done a lot of hallucinogenic drugs ad experienced sleep deprivation that gave me visual and auditory hallucinations. I understand what my mind can do and how real these figments can seem, but they come from me and are not "out there" real on their own screwing with me. That is the line where mental illness gets into your head if you let it.


I'm currently reading "UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On The Record" by Leslie Kean.


The whole book is filled with highly-qualified and highly-credentialed people who were formely just like you: they believed that what you see is what you get. Then they encountered a UFO which totally threw their world upside down and made them rethink everything they once thought they knew.

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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm comforted by the idea of past (and future) lives, that I'll be with my family and friends in some other way, after this life.


I believe in ghosts, I believe in spirit guides, intuition, dream visitations, etc.

I respect peoples' religious beliefs, as long as they don't tell me that I'm going to hell as long as I do or don't do certain things. Sometimes, I think I would be better off if I had a religion that I had faith in - not one that advocates running around and killing people, that is fuelled by hatred. Just a strong faith.

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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm comforted by the idea of past (and future) lives, that I'll be with my family and friends in some other way, after this life.


I believe in ghosts, I believe in spirit guides, intuition, dream visitations, etc.

I respect peoples' religious beliefs, as long as they don't tell me that I'm going to hell as long as I do or don't do certain things. Sometimes, I think I would be better off if I had a religion that I had faith in - not one that advocates running around and killing people, that is fuelled by hatred. Just a strong faith.


Just so you know, in case you don't already...


Jesus spoke more about hell than he did about heaven. Second to his warnings about hell were his warnings about not loving money. (There is a reason why he's considered the most divisive person to have ever lived...yet the most loving. What an irony.)

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Just so you know, in case you don't already...


Jesus spoke more about hell than he did about heaven. Second to his warnings about hell were his warnings about not loving money. (There is a reason why he's considered the most divisive person to have ever lived...yet the most loving. What an irony.)


I'm not sure that I believe in Jesus, but I respect your belief. :) I don't believe in hell, although I sometimes wish that it did exist, for people like Hitler.


I really just wanted this thread to be for anyone who wanted to post about an experience without being ridiculed.


I find the UFO stuff interesting. I'm coming back to reread the thread, even though I had a falling-out with someone here, I still appreciate their contribution.

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I'm not sure that I believe in Jesus, but I respect your belief. :) I don't believe in hell, although I sometimes wish that it did exist, for people like Hitler.


I really just wanted this thread to be for anyone who wanted to post about an experience without being ridiculed.


I find the UFO stuff interesting. I'm coming back to reread the thread, even though I had a falling-out with someone here, I still appreciate their contribution.


Cool. Well a little advice: the UFO subject is flooded with a lot of false information, misinformation, and fringe-type lunacy. Try your best to stick to the facts. The facts are hard to come by, but there are enough to show that it is real and there are things in the sky which, according to Western thought, should not be there. Good luck.

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