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Women teach me how to have a threesome.

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I am 30 years old and just got a new girlfriend a few days ago. She wants to have a threesome with two males and I am up for it. It will happen on her birthday next week. The problem is that up to now I have only had 1 on 1 sex. How do you go about having a threesome with two males?


I don't know how to do it at all. Women please help me out here. I am desperate. Teach me how to do it and teach me the rules that I should avoid breaking. I know on TV they always say not to grab her head and force her to give you oral and stuff like that to avoid hurting her but what else should I not do?



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You're out of luck.

most women here have not had threesomes.


No woman I personally know of, has ever managed to convince her partner to have MFM sex.


Most men absolutely refuse....it's extremely rare, like rocking horse schytte....


The majority of threesomes is FMF.... and that, more often than not, doesn't either go, or end well.

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