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Okay Maybe someone can give me some advice my boyfriend and I ahve been dating for 4 years now and we planned on getting married in March we had everything planned I mean I had already got my dress I rented it. and we reserved the church and everything and then about 2 months ago he tells me he wants to wait until he gets out of college and that is about another year I decided I could live with that so we postponed the wedding for one year and now he has decided he dosen't like the school he is at it is a traid school and now he wants to be a doctor It takes 10 years to be a doctor. I don't think I can wait that long I mean that will make us be dating for 14 years Thats is just too long. I told him this and he said he would stay where he is at so he doesn't loose me. My problem is i am afraid he will resent me for being the one that stopped him from being a doctor what should I do?

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I think you shouldn't be concerned that you would be the one keeping him from making his final decision. Ask for a compramise like he goes to Medical school for like a year or two and then you guys get married instead of waiting all that time until he graduates.

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