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Need Help on how to talk to this girl in a group oriented environment!

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Ok I know lots of people have already ask help about approaching a girl. Hopefully this one is different.

Here's the scenario. There is this girl in my college that I am attracted to. I don't know if she is interrested or not but I think she is a little attracted to me too. All I really want is just to talk to her. She might have a bf or dating someone. I just see her checking me out from time to time but she really doesn't do anything so that it would be easy for me to approach her.


Here's the problem. I only see her once a week in the fast food joint/cafeteria due to her schedule and mine. She is never alone. She always has friends. Not just ordinary friends. Her friends differ in ages but they are all girls. Some look 40ish and some look 20ish. It intimidates me a little I guess. I have like a 30 minute window. They eat, talk and go back to class.


Normally when I approach a girl, she is always alone. I would say hi, then how's it going, then compliment, then just talk, then ask her name then talk some more. Now I have no idea how to talk to a girl when she is with a group. I don't think I will find a situation where she won't be in a group. So the question is how would you talk to a girl when she is in a group.


Forget about the option where I will ask her to step aside and talk to me. That particular scenario would be like this: I approach her in front of her friends, say Hi, how's it going, compliment, then can I talk to you for a second privately. All of her friends would be looking at us and I'm afraid she won't leave. Even if she leaves and go to a side with me, the atmosphere would be serious and full of tension. So it is not an option.


My only option is talk to her in front of her friends unless you guys can think of something different. So I'm thinking I'll approach her when she only has 1 or 2 friends. Then talk to her. Is that a good idea? How would I deal with her friends? Should I just ignore them or talk to them. I really don't care about her classmates or friends. I just want to talk to her and ask what is her name.

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What if you wait around for her and her friends to leave the cafeteria, then say, "Hi my name is ______, can I walk to you to class?" First of all girls love that stuff, and second you get your alone time with the girl.


Best wishes.

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I like your idea however I do see one problem.

Some girls tend to walk really fast when they are nervous.

I try not to approach them when they are walking cause some girls subconciously walk fast when they are nervous.

I like the "class" idea. It sounds sweet.

Anymore ideas? I would love to hear them.

I think my only option really is to talk to her in front of her friends and risk some kind of rejection publicly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you do follow the previous option and wait for most of her friends to leave or whatever, let a little delay occur b4 you make the move. Otherwise it will seem obvious that you were waiting for her and for some oddly retarded reason many people have decided recently to consider that stalkerish. Just be careful and don't make anything you do seem too premeditated, if you know what I mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

good situation where im really interested in getting a reply from you,what you think is right,wait for her to be with 1 or 2 friends only,DONT!! approach her if shes with more,cuz if she rejects youll have psychological problems for the rest of ur life from embarrasment.the first week go to their table pretending to pass by,smile at one of them and say ex:you like(that type of food)? and smile,you will see a laughing scene,then say im ----------,

pleased to meet you,they may introduce themselves.

the next week,pass by again and ask them if you can sit with them,sit and talk normally like youre not interested,dont take alot of food as try to finish quickly so not to give them the empression of heaviness,and at the same time dont let them get enough of you.


the thrd week dont sit with them but pass by and ask for all their phone numbers starting with the one you talked with most,after a few days call her and tell her you had fun talking to her last time,and ask her out.



youll succeed only if you have the gutts,i did the same thing having the same situation,and it worked.



good luck and reply

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