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how to talk/ to know to a girl that i like(from the first look)


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i would really like to thank everyone in this forum for being so supportive and helping others that who are in need , and i would espicially like to thank these 3 ppl who helped me alot wich are :disguy, annabelle and lqsanders .


Can someone please tell me how to talk/ to know to a girl that i like(from the first look) but dont know nothing about her . For example me and my friends were walking trying to escape from boredom , so while we were walking there was a bunch of cute girls , and i liked one of them so how can i speak to her ????? what shall i say what shall i do? please help!!


My friend told me to bump to the girl that I liked as if it was an Accident , well this advice was for the girls that i know but what shall i do to the girls that i want to know??/


PLZ help me


thanks :laugh:

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Just go up to her and say "Hi my name is _________ . Would you like to go to ___________ with me sometime?" Or something like that, or "would it be okay if I called you?" Girls are not that hard to talk to and we're really not that difficult to understand -- contrary to popular belief.


Best Wishes.

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