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what do I do? what if...................

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ok this Is really complicated I will explain as best as possible


Ok I was with this guy Matt for 4 years as a friend


then Like July of 1999 he asked me on a date. I had and have always loved him as more than a friend but I knew he was into sex and was a sort of player but you can't help who you fall in love with. I went ahead and said yes to this date and this date turned into a 7 month relationship. in this relationship we saw eachother maybe once-twice a month and I heard Rumor after Rumor about him cheating. I confronted him about this and he said yes he had cheated and it wouldn't happen again. Remembering what everone said I broke up with him. My mom always told me.........If he Loves you he'll come back.........


Then I started dating again ASAP because I couldn't deal with Losing the person I loved so much. everytime I dated someone all I thought about was Matt Matt Matt.............everytime me and a date talked about the past or our Life all I would tell him about was Matt Matt Matt.........Then suddenly everywhere I went Matt was there...............after we broke up we remained best friends and talked about everything including who we were dating. We both made up things about who we were dating because we missed eachother..........This was found out later...................Sometime in May 2000 he got played by the girl he gave his heart to............she got him be telling him they had a son together then by him taking responsibilities for his action made him fall deeply inlove with this chick............tay..............then the player,matt, got played...............while they were together she slept with 13 other people...........then hurt him even more by telling him he was unloved and unable to love..........................


Then This August he came back to me...............I was there through the entire tay problem and Everything and he came back to me.................he told me how much he loved me.................we have been together now for 2-3 months and we have seen eachother 4-5 times a week and he calls me everynight.............our relationship is better than anything I ever thought it could be.................My thing is what if it's to good to be true?..................What If I am a re-bound?..................our relationship isn't based on sex cause we have only had sex like twice.........but what if the rumor about him being with me just because I am a good lay is true??? Anyhelp is appricated! Please Respond asap!






P.S. We are both 18 year old seniors sooo..............please don't say the "your to young" yadda yadda yadda! Thanks

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I hardly think he is with you for sex because you have only had sex twice. There are some girls who will do a guy that many times in a half hour. That shouldn't be your concern.


Besides, if you were that great of a lay, he would have gone for you way more than twice. Scout's honor, but certainly a juicy rumor as rumors go!!!


I don't think you are a rebound because you have a long history of friendship. However, yada, yada, yada, if he is 18, he is hardly ready for the final round. The odds of this being a keeper for either of you are pretty low.


Stop having fears and enjoy the relationship for what it is each day. Talk with each other, communicate, let him know what your dreams are, let him know what you want our of the relationship.


If you like, talk about his playing. Ask him why he has stopped. Ask him if it's temporary. Maybe something happened. Maybe he had a friend who contracted AIDS from having sex with the wrong girl or guy. That would be enough to stop the promiscuity of most people. Get to the bottom of it. You can have this discussion in a very loving way. Just let him know these are things you would like to know.


But no matter what, both of you are, yada yada yada, at a very fickle and, yada yada yada, you are both likely to be very attracted to and have the desire to date many other people before you are ready to settle down.


Yada, yada, yada.

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I think it is nice that he turned to you after his heart was broken. That shows that he trusts you won't hurt him. He has learned what it feels like to be played and he realizes that you won't do that to him. So it's cool.

I hardly think he is with you for sex because you have only had sex twice. There are some girls who will do a guy that many times in a half hour. That shouldn't be your concern. Besides, if you were that great of a lay, he would have gone for you way more than twice. Scout's honor, but certainly a juicy rumor as rumors go!!! I don't think you are a rebound because you have a long history of friendship. However, yada, yada, yada, if he is 18, he is hardly ready for the final round. The odds of this being a keeper for either of you are pretty low. Stop having fears and enjoy the relationship for what it is each day. Talk with each other, communicate, let him know what your dreams are, let him know what you want our of the relationship.


If you like, talk about his playing. Ask him why he has stopped. Ask him if it's temporary. Maybe something happened. Maybe he had a friend who contracted AIDS from having sex with the wrong girl or guy. That would be enough to stop the promiscuity of most people. Get to the bottom of it. You can have this discussion in a very loving way. Just let him know these are things you would like to know. But no matter what, both of you are, yada yada yada, at a very fickle and, yada yada yada, you are both likely to be very attracted to and have the desire to date many other people before you are ready to settle down. Yada, yada, yada.

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Not neccisarly (sp?) true on the age thing. When my finace' and I met I was 15 he was 17. We have a child together and have been together 3years and are expecting another child. I am now 18, and he is getting ready to turn 21. We love each other very much and only want to be with each other. We are getting married next year. I know that being 18 alot of people would say it probably won't last yada yada yada but in some cases your age has nothing to do with love.


Just thought Id share sorry if I bored anyone.





I hardly think he is with you for sex because you have only had sex twice. There are some girls who will do a guy that many times in a half hour. That shouldn't be your concern. Besides, if you were that great of a lay, he would have gone for you way more than twice. Scout's honor, but certainly a juicy rumor as rumors go!!! I don't think you are a rebound because you have a long history of friendship. However, yada, yada, yada, if he is 18, he is hardly ready for the final round. The odds of this being a keeper for either of you are pretty low. Stop having fears and enjoy the relationship for what it is each day. Talk with each other, communicate, let him know what your dreams are, let him know what you want our of the relationship.


If you like, talk about his playing. Ask him why he has stopped. Ask him if it's temporary. Maybe something happened. Maybe he had a friend who contracted AIDS from having sex with the wrong girl or guy. That would be enough to stop the promiscuity of most people. Get to the bottom of it. You can have this discussion in a very loving way. Just let him know these are things you would like to know. But no matter what, both of you are, yada yada yada, at a very fickle and, yada yada yada, you are both likely to be very attracted to and have the desire to date many other people before you are ready to settle down. Yada, yada, yada.

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